It struck me as a good one for a BOTB caption contest. So let your freak flag fly and send your most cleverest caption in by midnight, Sunday, September 12, 2010 using the comment window below. The winner will receive a genuine BWD lens cloth (a $5 value!) which works great for cleaning optics, eyeglasses, cellphones, or the Cheeto-stained screen on your iPad.
Good luck and we'll see you on the bus.
Well, I don't have a caption thus far, but it does call to mind that OLD (slightly morbid) joke:
I hope I die one day just like my dear old grandaddy, quickly and peacefully in my sleep... and not screaming hysterically like the 25 passengers of the bus he was driving at the time.
Moses and his staff were prepared to lead everyone to the promised land. He had been given the 10 target species and after reading from eBird, all the people said, "Amen."
They all thought their group was the most erudite of the birders at the festival until they ended up on "the short bus".
All entreaties in hopes of convincing Lorenzo to leave his baguette at home for the trip to sit amongst the Silver-back gorillas were sadly fruitless, and with regrettably gruesome consequences.
Not everyone appreciated Roscoe's philosophy to fart softly and carry a big stick.
Napoleon Dynamite says: "Birding skills. Bow-staff Skills. Freakin' awesome."
I *said*, "Speak SOFTLY!!"
Everyone thought this was the bus to go see a lot of warblers. Everyone except the deputy in charge of the chain gang...
Year by year, as the festival grew in popularity, disruptive elements began to attend and disturb the birding. But one man stood fast, determined that come what may he would do everything in his power to stop those lepidopterists from ruining everything!
"Jed's hand-carved tripods doubled as summer sausage holders, perfect for those never-ending field trips!"
"It's been four hours...somebody call a doctor!"
"Well, I was told Bill will show us more warblers than you can shake a stick at."
Dave and Geoff are always looking to improve the NRG festival. Busses with brigs for unruly participant/leaders is just the latest upgrade.
The trip was going great until Hank the driver said "Hey gang, watch this!"
All kidding aside, Hank, Robert, and the other drivers at this festival are awesome. Mad props to anyone who can drive a bus down that Sugar Creek road.
'an I though we'd be on the short bus. THIS bus is BIG.
“100 bills of the bird on the wall, 100 bills of the bird … take him down, pass him around … 100 bills of the bird on the wall!”
No, I'm not a birdwatcher, I'm a birdwatcher-watcher. I've got eighteen new lifers here.
♫ The birders on the bus go
tick, tick, twitch
tick, tick, twitch
tick, tick, twitch
♫ The birders on the bus go
tick, tick, twitch
All through the town. ♫
quick comment:
If Alan was suggesting a caption I think he may have won, or, if he was putting out a personal plea for help I surely hope he found a doctor by now.
"Are we there yet?"
The lure for the Worm-eating Warbler should attract them from miles away!
I ain't signing no model release for this. I am here for the birds.
What do you mean we have to buy 10 copies each of "Identifying and Feeding Birds" before we can have a bathroom break?
(from 2nd row) "They should have told us the guide is blind!" "I know, right!?" "If he doesn't get us the Swainson's, I'm asking for my money back!"
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