Which prompted an additional thought—and three thoughts is a LOT for me in the morning with just half a cup of coffee down the gullet. That thought was: "I'm going to BE in Cape May in October!"
That's correct. I am the Saturday evening keynote speaker for the legendary Autumn Weekend hosted by Cape May Bird Observatory and New Jersey Audubon, also known as THE Bird Show. This year's Autumn Weekend is being held October 29–31, 2010. Details are available here.
Also speaking (on Friday night) is author/photographer Kevin Karlson. And there will be a plethora of authors on hand on Saturday for a big books signing, I hear. Of course in Cape May you can't swing your binocs by the strap without conking 8 book authors on the head, so it'll surely be fun to see who is there.
If you've never been to Cape May in fall before, the birding is just nutso, the hawks are pouring through, and you don't have to fight against the summer tourista tide quite as much.
Plan to come on down to the Cape for Halloween Weekend. I hope to see you there! I might even come in costume.
I'm drooling as I think of making it to Cape May in late October. Great post! We are getting a lot of Cape Mays in Chicago too. Though, as fall continues it's long grind I think I'll have to start calling some of them Cape Grays.
Cape May is one of the most amazing birding hot spots. I'm very jealous that I will miss out!
I hope you go dressed as that stuffed pawpaw that Julie mentioned in her latest post!
Out of curiosity (and forgive my ignorance) do you still get many warblers heading through Cape May at the end of the month as there are now, toward the beginning of autumn? Or are there proportionately more hawks and other migrants?
It sounds like an amazing time--hope we get to hear all about it here!!
Conking authors with your bins is hard on the allignment.
Scopes are the preferred optics for conking.
Speaking from experience, The Cape May Autumn Weekend is an amazing time. Great speakers and presentations, great vendors and information, and with many bird species migrations still in full swing.
It's a must-have experience for any birder, replete with large dollops of unbridled fun (does this sound like an ad? No financial interest on my part!).
Hookah come from along the border of around 1500 Years ago. These hookahs
were simple, primitive, and rugged in design, usually made from a coconut shell base and tube with aa head attached.
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