There are days when the confluence has a nice mix of birds, especially in winter when the watercraft traffic is non-existent. Maybe next visit. Still no local reports of bald eagles. Guess we'll have to wait for Lake Erie to freeze before "our" birds will come south.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Birding the Confluence
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
5:39 PM
There are days when the confluence has a nice mix of birds, especially in winter when the watercraft traffic is non-existent. Maybe next visit. Still no local reports of bald eagles. Guess we'll have to wait for Lake Erie to freeze before "our" birds will come south.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sapsuckers et arrive!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
1:57 PM

The good thing about the winter's first cold front is that it always brings some of the season's new birds with it. This afternoon a yellow-bellied sapsucker made her first appearance. We can tell she's a sub-adult female by her streaky overall appearance (less clean looking than an adult female) and by her red crown, and whitish (not red) throat.
Here are two images of her. One is enlarged and cropped. She's a beauty, don't you think? Sapsuckers are irregular on our farm from early autumn through late spring. Since we sometimes go a year or more between sightings, we're always happy to see one. It's one of the seven woodepcker species we see here on our southeastern Ohio farm, five of which nest on our property.
Blazing Chet
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
1:02 PM
Deerly Beloved
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
11:48 AM
While posting the eastern half of our land on Sunday afternoon, I spooked a great horned owl out of a giant beech stub where it was roosting. What was really interesting about this is that the owl, when it flew away, kept the tree trunk between itself and me. Some of my ivory-billed woodpecker-seeking friends have described this same evasion behavior from the Lord God bird.
Once the deer-hunting season is over, Julie and I will check out the beech stump from a spook-free distance to see if the owl is merely roosting there or has plans to nest there. We've heard a pair of GHOs hooting to each other from our east woods,the male's lower-toned hooting sounded pretty romantic....
Phoebe made this sign for our front door. It's her contribution to my posting effort. Our local schools are closed on the opening day of deer season because if they tried to hold classes very few kids would be present.
Excuse Our Absence
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
9:33 AM
Sorry for the lack of posting activity of late. It's been a hectic couple of days here in Birdland. Lots of new projects, all the holiday bustle, our trip to Charm City for Thanksgiving, and several side trips all contributed to my bloglessness.
Mostly I've been practicing guitar. My hands are stronger than ever. Just LOOK at the results!
Deer Prudence
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
8:37 AM
Yesterday was the opening day of Ohio's gun season for deer hunting. In a fall ritual that I've done nearly every year since 1993, I walked the perimeter of our 80 acres posting our land. It's a nice workout, walking our wooded ridges, valleys, and streams, nailing the yellow signs to the most visible trees. And our deer population is robust, making for good hunting in this area. I saw eight deer in two hours yesterday, though none was a buck.
Our wise old neighbor Karl once said "Well, door locks are to keep honest people out. If someone really wants in, that lock's not gonna stop them."
I feel the same way about our No Trespassing signs. Two years ago someone killed a medium-sized buck, sawed off the antlers, and left the carcass in our creek, just 1/8 of a mile from our front door. The person who did this walked right past at least two of the bright yellow signs that designate our property lines. Just now a hunter walked through our front yard, accessing the neighbor's acreage. I hallooed him and pointed him in the right direction. He had no idea he was trespassing, though he walked right past one of my signs.
Most hunters in our area are honest, respectful outdoorsmen and women. These folks would no more trespass on private land than slash their own tires. I put my signs up for them, and for the less-respectful handful of hunters who don't really care where they do their hunting.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-hunting. We need hunting, especially since it's been about 200 years since humans removed the natural predators that kept the deer population in check. The main population check on white-tailed deer, other than hunting, is the automobile.
No, my concern about hunting on my farm is this: I just don't like the idea that there are strange people, perhaps from some distant city, rumbling around in our woods with shotguns. Do they know where our house is, or where the nearest gasline or oil well is when they prepare to shoot? Sometimes I have a hard time knowing exactly where I am on our land. A few accidental shootings happen every year in Ohio.
And then there's this: I can always tell where one or two of the hunters have been. They usually leave trash (potato chip bags, snuff cans, toilet paper, plastic bottles (sometimes full of urine!), and fired shotgun cartridges) in their wake.
We stay out of our woods during deer hunting season. We don't walk the kids out the driveway to meet the bus--we drive them. When we do go out, we wear blaze orange. Hey, that's life in the country.
I walk the woods a week or so after the season has ended and check for signs that our signs have been ignored, pick up a few handfuls of trash. I check to see which deer groups have survived. And we settle in for another 50 weeks of enjoying our woods.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Congratulations Karen & Jason!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
5:19 PM
We're Thankful
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
5:07 PM
We eat to excess and then pass out on the couches, chairs, and beds. The pie awaits. We sleep. Thanksgiving settles on the Earth.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
3:02 PM
Whipple Bird Club!
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
2:54 PM
From left: Shila Wilson, Steve McCarthy, BT3, and Julie Zickefoose. We are flashing the gangland symbol "W" for Whipple. This hand sign is recognized the world over as signifying Whipple.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Giant Birds of Costa Rica
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
9:14 AM

Note how the birds are engaged in their complicated breeding season courtship ritual. It won't be long before there are half a dozen little bird statues running around the grounds of Tortuguero.
Thanks Rondeau Ric!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Another Ridiculous Giant Thing
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
2:20 PM
I want to ask: could YOU calmly putt your golf ball into the clown's nose while this magnificent beast was charging you?
I didn't think so.
Neither could Tiger Woods.
Quotable Bird Watchers
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
10:19 AM
Friday, November 18, 2005
No Such Thing as a Free Breakfast
Friday, November 18, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
5:14 PM
Entering the Duck
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
5:05 PM
As an editor, it's impossible for me to pass by a sign like this without cringing.
How hard would it have been to re-break the type so that the sign said:
Entering the
Duck Creek
This sign reminds me of that great Tom Lehrer song about the town road signs of Massachusetts, "Entering Marion."
Am I being too picky?
The Eagle Flies on Friday
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
3:51 PM
I walked in the door at Huck's, placed my sandwich and soup order, and bantered with the deli gal. Then I realized that I HAD NO MONEY. No wallet, no folded bills, no check book, no credit cards. I ran to the car. $1.46 in change was staring at me from my change holder.
Sheepishly I went back in to the counter and confessed my momentary poverty. Instead of making me wash the meat slicer, the deli gal said "No problem!" and made me out a slip for $4.08. That's one of the benefits of living in a small town.
Alas no eagles, ducks, or even a great blue heron at Devol's Dam. But I'll head back up the river next week to check again. And I'll be sure to stop at Huck's (with money in pocket) for my lunch.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I Miss Digiscoping
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
6:16 PM

Back in "the day" when digiscoping was a relatively new phenomenon, I bought a Nikon CoolPix 950 digital camera, outfitted it with a couple of plumbing washers so that it nested perfectly over the eyepiece of my older Swarovski 80mm spotting scope and I took tons of photos of birds. The shots were pretty good, but getting the images off the camera and onto the computer was a pain. And in bright sunlight I couldn't see the LCD screen on the back of the camera, so many of my mid-day shots were bad. And the camera ate batteries.
I upgraded cameras, acquiring an Olympus 700 series digital camera which takes higher megapixel images, is easy to use, and really easy to transfer images onto my Mac laptop, but it is no good for digiscoping. Look at the image of the white stork with the big black circle (vignetting) around it. That's the kind of shot my current set-up takes. The large lens of the camera is too big for the relatively small lens of my scope's eyepiece. I can crop the dark circle and still get a decent shot, but if I had THAT kind of time I'd probably be trying for the world's record at dominoes or something.
I MISS digiscoping. Especially now that so many optics/camera companies are making gear specifically for digiscoping.
Here are a couple of my Texas images. The pair of neotropic cormorants is a digiscoping shot that I re-cropped to eliminate the black circle. The black-bellied whistling ducks are just a non-digiscoped grab shot I took as they flew over the Ramsey Preserve in Harlingen. The spotted owl chicks I digiscoped in August 2003 though a friend's scope.
When I'm all grown up I'm going to get back into digiscoping.
Here's a fairly robust site that explains digiscoping. And another excellent one by Mike McDowell, from this side of the pond.
Warning, digiscoping, like playing bingo, popping bubblewrap, and eating Fritos, can be addictive.
A New Kind of Big Sit: The Big Fly
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
4:21 PM
Just after we got the enlightening speech about seat cushions being flotation devices, Bouton, from Row 11 shouted back to me in Row 18: "BT3! Big Sit all the way to Houston! Starting now!"
Problem was I was in an aisle seat with a rotund seatmate, so my birding options through the tiny porthole window were significantly limited. Bouton and Wood had window seats and got most of the birds. None of us had optics in hand. This was bare-knuckle, bare-eyeball bird watching at its most challenging.
We ended up with 12 species for the 1.5 hour flight from Harlingen to Houston. Bouton called some other festival leaders who were flying from Harlingen on a later flight to challenge them to top us. Rumor has it that they actually scouted around the perimeter of the Harlingen airport before entering to stake out some possible sightings once they boarded their plane. They also bribed their fellow passengers to trade seats so they had expanded window/scanning coverage. In spite of these questionable tactics (and the likely use of performance enhancing drugs) they only managed to tie our total of 12 species. But now it's ON for future festivals and the Big Fly.
Try a Big Fly the next time you are soaring the friendly skies. For my next flight there's no doubt that I'll need to be in a window seat on an exit row, with binos in hand. I wonder if I could mount my spotting scope on the armrest...
Sleeping Through the Checklist
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
3:42 PM
When the leaders read through the checklist at the end of a field trip, often during the bus or van ride home (as shown at right, above) some folks madly follow along checking off the birds they've seen. Others use the opportunity to catch 40 winks. After our recent trip to Anzualduas Park along the Rio Grande, we found it really hard to stay awake as we listened to the basso-profundo voice of Mike Overton (without beard in photo) reading over the day's check list. Heck, even Jim Danzenbaker (the bearded wonder of Brunton) was unable to refrain from snoring when Mike had the mic. Fortunately Overton is a top birder and butterflyer, so the sightings list was long and we all got a good nap.
Field trip tip: A great way to wake up your fellow birders so they pay attention to the check list is to perform your rendition of the "song" of a male yellow-headed blackbird over the bus' PA system. Like Colt 45 Malt Liquor, it works every time!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The Domino Effect
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
3:32 PM
A house sparrow in The Netherlands was shot and killed with an air rifle after accidentally knocking over more than 20,000 dominoes that were being set up in an attempt to break a world record.
The complete story is on CNN's site today.
Two things make this an interesting story.
1. The house sparrow (or English sparrow) is a declining "species of concern" in the UK and Europe. So it's highly illegal to shoot one, even if it did just ruin your attempt at a world record.
2. What kind of humans have the time to set up that many dominoes? And what kind of glory accrues to the owner of such an accomplishment?
"Hey, remember that dominoes world record that was set a few years ago? That was ME!"
I think any bird that can knock over 23,000 dominoes without any help should itself be in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The complete story is on CNN's site today.
Two things make this an interesting story.
1. The house sparrow (or English sparrow) is a declining "species of concern" in the UK and Europe. So it's highly illegal to shoot one, even if it did just ruin your attempt at a world record.
2. What kind of humans have the time to set up that many dominoes? And what kind of glory accrues to the owner of such an accomplishment?
"Hey, remember that dominoes world record that was set a few years ago? That was ME!"
I think any bird that can knock over 23,000 dominoes without any help should itself be in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
March of the Bird Watchers
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
9:38 PM
The technique worked! Everyone got decent in-flight looks at the birds--it's almost impossible to spot a Sprague's pipit on the ground. We also found at least 60 eastern meadowlarks, a few dozen Savannah sparrows, and several American pipits.
The foggy effect of this photograph is an artifact of taking my camera from the cold air conditioning of the bus into the hot, humid 80-degree morning air. No matter how much I wiped the lenses, the fog returned until the camera (or binocular or spotting scope) returned to the ambient outside temperature. In extreme situations this can take up to an hour!
We learned that it's best to keep your optics and cameras on your lap during the bus ride. Your body heat helps minimize the fogging later.
The Price an Emcee Pays...
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
7:54 PM
She also thought it would be fun to let people decorate my face with erasable pens.
Let me tell you, this was the least offensive version.
Maybe we need to put out crayons and paper at future festivals, because there seems to be a lot of pent-up artistic frustration among today's avid bird watchers...
Texas Seafood
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
7:42 PM
Meeting Bill Thompson
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
7:05 PM
He teaches marketing and statistics at UTPA and was at the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival conducting an economic impact survey on ecotourism. We field trip leaders passed out the surveys on every trip. It'll be interesting to see what the results are.
Professor Thompson told me that, being in South Texas, he's often asked by bird watchers if he's related to me! It's nice to know that at least one Bill Thompson on this planet understands statistics, because it's Greek to me!
Hermits as neighbors
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
4:51 PM

It's a warm afternoon here, but it won't stay that way for long. These thrushes just arrived on a huge weather front that hit us last night.
Our hermits will survive on sumac, dogwood, pokeberry and greenbrier fruits through the winter. It's such a treat to see them on our winter walks. Their warm brown colors seem cheery against the drab gray and dun of the leafless forest. I can say with confidence that these hermits make great neighbors.
How the Couch's Kingbird Got Its Name
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
3:30 PM
"Back when this area was first being settled, the early pioneers did not have any furniture, so they had to make their own. They found that certain locally available natural materials worked best for their purposes. The feathers of this species of kingbird made the softest, most comfortable couch stuffing, but it took hundreds just to make one cushion, so the process was abandoned, but the name stuck. And ever since that time this bird has been known as the Couch's kingbird."
Loud groaning filled the air. Serious birding was resumed.
Actually the kingbird was named by ornithologist Spencer Baird in honor of Darius N. Couch, a Civil War general who took a leave of absence from the U.S. Army to participate in a zoological expedition to northern Mexico.
Apologies to the groaners. I couldn't resist.
Monday, November 14, 2005
The New Birding
Monday, November 14, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
11:29 PM
During the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival, which concluded yesterday in Harlingen, Texas, I was surprised at the explosion in the interest in butterflies. I've noticed the butterfly wave growing slowly over the years, but this trip to Texas it seems to have hit critical mass. There's a great new spiral-bound guide to the butterflies of Mexico (handy for those tough South Texas butterflies), lots of new binocs specifically designed to be good for BOTH birding and butterflying, and almost every birding site we visited during the festival had its own native plants garden for butterflies. Pictured is the butterfly garden at the new Bentsen State Park vsitors' center, where Parker Backstrom was helping us to sort out unusual species from among the hundreds of queens that were nectaring on the flowers.
John Tveten, the longtime Texas naturalist and author,even told me that butterflies were getting so popular that he's moving on to moths, a field where we still don't have all the North American species identified. BTW, if you want to dip a toe into butterflying, I suggest Kenn Kaufman's excellent field guide. It's easy to use and pocket-sized.

Friday, November 11, 2005
Bentsen State Park
Friday, November 11, 2005
Posted by
Bill of the Birds
1:37 AM
We scored most of our birds here, including sora, Wilson's snipe, olive sparrow, American bittern, vermilion flycatcher, and about 50 other species. The tower alone makes Bentsen a must-re-visit destination for birders.
Later, near mid-day, we walked along the resaca near the old boat ramp and caught some good looks at ringed kingfisher, anhingas, and behind the water feature, we spotted a pair of clay-colored robins all ratty-looking from just having bathed. A skulky life bird for nearly all the folks in our group. Unfortunately, later groups missed the robins...
Also worth mentioning, lots of very obvious javelinas scarfing food from beneath the remaining feeding stations.
And a really cute gray-morph eastern screech owl taking a bit of afternoon sun.
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