Two weeks ago, I put in a wireless network so now, with my laptop, I can write, answer e-mails, update "Bill of the Birds" and generally be productive from anywhere in the house, including our tower.
Yesterday I saw two red-tailed hawks, a red-shouldered, a big female Cooper's hawk, and a courting pair of pileated woodpeckers--all birds that I would have missed if I had not been working in the tower.
Here's the view from the home office.
OOh....the view! It's amazing. I would think it would be hard to get your butt out of that chair and get moving!
btw, i DID make the peanut butter suet takers yet, except a hopeful squirrel. Should it be in small portions, like spoonfuls? I froze most of it, but set a margarine-size container right by the feeder. It has been unusually warm and windy this weekend, so I'm hoping that's all it is. I haven't seen much action at the regular seed either.
Paul noticed that a long trip to the store and cooking involving large pots of yummy smelling stuff didn't result in a thing for him to eat! Poor baby. These birds better eat it or I'll hear about it!
PS...Good luck Saturday! Wish we could be there!
We crumble our suet dough into tiiny bits and scatter some of it on the ground for the sparrows and juncos.
The rest we crumble into a large plastic dish (like a birdbath or the dish under a large plant pot)placed on a birdbath pedestal.
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