The sun is setting at 6:59 PM (the Blogger/Blogspot server clock is on weird time Pacific I think).
We broke the record!
Let me say that again:
Moments after I posted at noon, a small flock of GRACKLES flew over. Can you believe we broke then record with common grackle?

We tied the record with a red-headed woodpecker spotted by Ethan Kistler. Then the grackles. After common grackle, we got broad-winged hawk (spotted by me and ID'd by me and Jim McCormac) , then tree swallow (spotted by me and ID'd by several), and, finally (so far) scarlet tanager (spotted by Dick Esker and ID'd by me).
But we're still trying for #70....our new goal.
Thanks to all who wished us well. Hope your sit went swimmingly, too.
Congratulations! Let me say that again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Way to go, Sitters! Great spotting, good work.
Woo-hoo! Way to go, regular and auxiliary members of the Whipple Bird Club. One for the record books!
Glad to hear you had such a great day.
Awesome! So glad to hear you broke the record. Kudos, Bill, on the broadwing and tree swallow. Hope you hit 70+.
Wahoo! That's what I wanted to hear. Your photos tell a great story.
Looks like it is become The Big Stand Elbow-to-Elbow!
You, your crew and Chet Baker got us South Dakota watchers beat on the number of species, but we'll offer our 4-5,000 sandhill cranes....
Caroline Stafford, and able Schnauzer assistant, Jack Sparrow.
We had a mature Bald Eagle at the Falls of the Ohio. Whoo-Hoo!
Awesome event and congrats to all!!
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