My apologies for the utter dearth of posts here since mid-last week. I've been down with the flu and am only just now coming around enough to shoo the vultures from my windowsill. They could tell I was about to start decomposing. In fact, in one of my fever-dreams, I heard this conversation between two turkey vultures that were perched above my bed, looking at me:
Young vulture: "Hey Dad! Is that food?"
Dad vulture: "No my boy. That is a human male, still breathing, but apparently very sick"
YV: "What do we call food that's not yet ready to eat, Dad?"
DV: "Alive. But all things die, so we can wait. There will always be food for patient vultures."
YV: "And when he dies, what will he be then?"
DV: "Carrion, my wayward son."
Later that year, the father and son were busy in the garden planting, weeding, watering, etc. The dad tended the lettuce and carrots, while the son had the job of building a trellis out of bamboo and string for the climbing legumes. "But dad, why do I have to spend all of this time working on the veggie plot?"
"Because, my son...
There'll be peas when you are done."
Wow... I think the fever is still taking affect... It's even got to Brdpics.
Good to hear that the TV's haven't carried you away and that you are feeling better.
No worries about new Blog posts, we are all still laughing about Digi-poaching and voting 6 times in Florida. Oh BTW, did you get over to West Virgina for the primary there ? Isn't Participatory Democracy wonderful ? :>
So the vultures didn't get to you. Good. Hope you are much better.
BT3, that joke is along the lines of "Olive, the other reindeer." :)
Glad you are feeling better.
Ugh... glad you are feeling less "carion-like!" ;c)
Brdpics: Clearly we're not in Kansas any more.
I wonder if this was something that got passed around in Vegas???
I and a couple of others are all sick even though we did not see each other at Shot, yet are all down with illness. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas I guess.....
As a vulture lover, I was cracking up when I read that...then I read brdpics reply and laughed even louder...thanks guys, for the Monday morning chuckle I needed!!
Beware the day a vulture asks about your health.
How you feelin Bill?
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