Every year, like clockwork, the dark-eyed juncos arrive with the first cold front of the fall. This is usually around the time of the Big Sit--the second Sunday of each October.
We know we can count on that same cold front convincing all the bug eaters to leave, too. This includes favorite birds like, umm... warblers and vireos and tanagers and orioles--basically anything with bright colors and a beautiful song splits for points south. And we're left with the primarily earth-toned birds of winter. Do I sound whiny?
I love seeing the first junco, even though it means no more indigo buntings or hummingbirds. Not a real fair trade, but who said life was fair? Yes I DO sound whiny.
Last night the first cold front came through. No juncos yet, but I did see a fall-plumaged indigo bunting in the meadow. And I asked him to stay at least until Sunday morning so we could tally him for the Big Sit. After all, our farm is named Indigo Hill for the plethora of indigo buntings we have all summer long.
I fear he's got the urge for going and I guess he'll have to go...
They're coming Bill.
They showed up here Tuesday and now there are dozens in the yard.
Also a lot of red breasted nuthatches.
Thanks for the heads up RR! We'll be watching.
Rondeau ric, I have RB Nuthatches, too, and I'm in Ohio!
bt3, I'm in Albany, a little southwest of you, and those little buggers (2 or 3 of them) have been honking and tooting all over the place for a couple of weeks now. I'm sure you'll spot or hear some during the Sit this weekend. I look forward to the return of the Juncos, too. I still heard a Phoebe "fee-BEE"ing last night, so we still have a few bug eaters left. Good luck at the Sit!
There's just no stopping 'em when they're ready to go.
hey, your whining is ok with me! I used to think the juncos showed up with the first snow when I was a kid. I never saw them until that first morning when the snow was under the bird feeder and there they'd be with their little gray topcoats. I still like to think of them as snowbirds though I saw my first one here on the Cape the other day, too....the snow buntings arrived on the beach last week...now that was really something to whine about.
Wow! snow buntings! How great!
Just got a call from Julie that the first white-crowned sparrow arrived today. And we DO have a ton of RB nuthatches already this fall--think it's going to be an invasion year for them.
My juncos never go away, and I think that white crowned came from my yard. At least I know you will take good care of my summer birds.
I am excited about the Big Sit this weekend! Our bird club reported one Evening Grosbeak and nearby Dekalb County is reporting Pine Siskins, so we are very hopeful! You and your Indigo stay warm, if he sticks around.
Evening grosbeak: My most-wanted bird. It's been YEARS. Please send us some. We have gray striped sunflower. We have everything they could possibly want. Pleeeeze.
We had a cool blast last night also and I hope to see newcomers arriving and moving through. Hummingbirds left a week ago and I'm still whining about it. Waiting for the juncos, too.
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