In 2004 in Guatemala I had heard the distinctive double rap of the pale-billed, but no birds showed themselves. This year we were spending a lot more time in likely habitat, and several times our Guatemalan birding guides would point out the double-rap. My hopes were rising with each aural encounter.
Late on the afternoon of March 4, our first day at Tikal, we were looking across a large ravine toward Temple 5, scanning its shape for signs of an orange-breasted falcon nest, when three large birds flew across a clearing and into some gangly, tall trees. "Pale-billed woodpeckers!" Julie shouted and we all scrambled to gain better viewing angles. The light was low due to an oncoming thunderstorm, but occasional rays of sun forced their way through the darkening sky, illuminating the scene for us. I'll never forget the gleaming white bill and blindingly bright red crest on the first bird I located with my scope.
The three birds seemed to be associated with each other (perhaps a family group?) as they foraged and loafed. For the next 15 minutes we enjoyed leisurely looks at one or more of them and I did my best to capture their souls with my digiscoping set up.
To be standing there, in Tikal, with an ancient temple, old growth forest, and one of the most impressive and evocative birds in all of the Americas in one binocular field was nothing short of incredible. Julie and I kept saying "They look so much like ivorybills!"
I shot and shot, getting mostly blurry images of moving birds, with perfectly in-focus branches and vegetation. The shooting conditions were tough. Even so, I could not help but think how great it would be to encounter an ivorybill (or three) in the same fashion, under similar conditions. Perhaps one day....
I must tip my cap to Clay Taylor of Swarovski Optik, North America for his helpful and sage guidance as I re-entered the digiscoping realm. My experience in Guatemala would have been so much less enjoyable if I had not been geared-up for digiscoping. Thanks Clay! You can check out some of Clay's own digiscoped images here.
And we also owe a debt of gratitude to Marco Centeno and Hector Castaneda for traveling to Tikal with us, and sharing their vast birding and nature knowledge. Gracias por los aves y las bromas, amigos!
Bird envy. That is what I have. What gorgeous birds you found in Guatemala. Keep on digiscoping. I love your blog! Your photo of the shadow of the oak on the field was spectacular too!
So much like an Ivorybill. Oh I so want those birds to exist.
What a gift you are giving us all. Thank you for showing us this amazing bird at so many angles. I am grateful every day for your good work.
Great photos, even the blurry ones.
Like the others who took the time to comment, I appreciate your blog and the effort it takes.
Thank you
I also like your favorite woodpecker photo. It looks like he has a DQ crest- very Woody Woodpeckery!
Jay Packer here. We've meet several times at the birding festival in south Texas.
The second and third shots are pretty clearly Lineated Woodpecker. Dryocopus lineatus. The white line extends up on the side of the face, there's a red malar stripe visible, and the white V on the back is open, it doesn't connect.
The rest of the pictures are indeed Pale-billed Woodpeckers. The first shot is a male, and the remaining shots appear to be a female.
If you took these all in the same tree, this is not unprecedented. I and others have seen both species occuring together.
Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing. I digiscope with a Swarovski AT-80, but have used the ScopeTronix Maxview-S adapter. Your photos came out very good.
Bill--I just returned from Sayulita Mexico where I saw an pale-billed wookpecker. It made my entire trip worthwhile. What a bird!
Wow! I still get faint when I get good looks at our local Pileateds, not sure if I'd survive seeing these!
Thanks for sharing them.
I loved seeing these pictures. The pale eyes and the very long curved crest of one of the birds really brought back memories of my old IBWO sightings.
Thanks for sharing
Steve Sheridan
Thanks for the info on the Pale-billed Woodpecker. I have also recently returned from a trip to Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico, where I saw two Pale-billed, and one Lineated Woodpecker, as one of the posts mentions, all in the same tree. I got a few great photos of both species, and have been showing them around enthusiastically. These birds would have been phenomenal, even without the Citreoline Trogon that flew up while I was watching them. Thanks again.
I liked the first photo most - with just the head sticking up out of the foliage.
it seems like you had a fair amount of time with the woodpecker, which means that you were very lucky. mostly, the pale-billed and lineateds will fly above you, hammer away for a bit, and then disappear in to the forest (usually to somewhere hard to get to, grrr).
Tikal is an incredible site: watching the sun rise over the misty-covered jungle from atop a pyramid is an unforgettable experience...
Good luck with the digiscoping, with practice, it gets a whole lot easier.
Happy birding
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