That's how many digital images I took in Guatemala. And I'm only just beginning to sort through them. Imagine taking that many film images. That's 27 rolls of film!
Why so many? There are several reasons:
- Guatemala is completely photographable, full of beautiful vistas, landforms, people, birds, and archaeological sites.
- I have a new, small, easy-to-use camera
- I have iPhoto and an Apple laptop--about the easiest set-up you can get.
- Looking through my digital images is very enjoyable.
- I NEVER feel guilty about wasting film.
Here are a few more images from our Guatemala adventure. Sorry for the dearth of postings over the weekend. I plan to be as daily as Jon Stewart from here on.
Our Tikal adventure resulted in perhaps the Greatest Day of Birding Ever. Thanks to Marco (left) and Hector, the Manakin (3rd from left).
Marco spotted this orange-breasted falcon and we spent three hours photographing (me) and sketching (JZ) it. THis rare raptor is nesting in the Tikal ruins.
On the way home from Lake Atitlan on Friday, I played guitar on the bus and we sang songs, including La Bamba, La Cucaracha, and Guantanamera (for the horned guan we saw on Volcan San Pedro). There was some Gallo beer involved in our merriment.
1000 - Why so few??? :)
Wait till you start shooting with a Dslr. 300-600 a day on vacation. 180 per 1 gig card.
Ruthless deletion and BIG files.
Horned Guan...sweet!
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