I must admit, though I am no weedpicker, that the orchids are pretty amazing plants. I enjoyed seeing the different forms, shapes, colors. And Zick says that this isn't even a FANCY orchid show, since it's a general flower and gardening show.
The show is being held at the end of The Navy Pier, a long, um, pier jutting into Lake Michigan full of interesting ways to spend your tourist dollar. Perhaps the most interesting thing on the Navy Pier is a display of a huge collection of stained glass windows. Leaving the Flower Show we spent quite a bit of time ogling and photographing these amazing works of glass art.
I enjoyed your Chicago Flower & Garden Show presentation. Living 3 miles from Navy Pier makes for quite a different backyard experience. The urban gardener must not only attract birds and butterflies, but also deter rats and pigeons.
thanks Stephen! We JUST got home at 11 pm in Whipple. It was a very enjoyable trip and an impressive show.
What a feast for the eyes. Thanks.
You funny!
Quetzals love blackberries. I saw mine on the ground eating them then flying to a fence post...very close.
But you've got horned guan on me!
I still love you!
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