Each year at holiday parties, during the chit-chat and small talk, it's guaranteed that I will hear something like this:
Guy in holiday sweater and tie: Say, you're bird person...what are they called, a orthodontologist?
Me: Ornithologist? That's a scientist who studies birds...I'm a bird watcher.
Guy: Whatever. I seen this bird the other day standing down by the river. It was HUGE!
Me: It was probably a great blue heron.
Guy: No. It was HUGE! And gray. Some kinda long-legged crane or something.
Me: Well, great blue herons are very common around here all year lo....
Guy: No it was a bird that I never seen before.
Me: Did it have a long bill? And a curved neck?
Guy: Yeah
Me: That's a great blue heron.
Guy: No it wasn't that. I seen herons in Florida and they're white.
Me: Yes but...
Guy: And they don't come up here because it's too cold.
Me: Sure, but...
Guy: I thought you said you was a orthodontical bird guy...
Me: Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
verra verra cute, hubs.Nice photo, too.
I can relate to the story!
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