The other day, while working on a presentation we'll be giving soon, Julie asked me for some images of nature patterns. We were working in Keynote, Apple's digital presentation software that is vastly superior to PowerPoint.
The good thing about Keynote is that you can change things in your program right up until the very last minute (unlike the slide-based shows our ancient ancestors were forced to use). The bad thing about Keynote is that you can change things in your program right up until the very last minute. This is what we were doing.
I sent Julie this image to use in the program. Can you tell what it is in the photograph? Do you think it's snow on the ground or clouds in the sky?
While I wait for your answers I think I'll fiddle around some more with the program. After all, we don't have to present it for another hour...
I think it's water!
Gee Bill, my first thought, before I even read the text of the post, was some seriously wind-blown water (lake or ocean?). Are you trying to mislead us with the snow or clouds prompts? If I had to guess from your prompts, I would guess snow... I think. Hope your presentation goes well! Oh, and lovely hummingbird pics the other day... just lovely.
clouds, taken from an airplane, looking down.
He even has a 'stache like a swami, doesn't he?
Hmm...could it be a shot out of the window of your airplane, flying high over the Midwest United States on your way to Guatemala?
Did you think we wouldn't remember? We remember EVERYTHING you say and print.
I think it's water as well. I see some underwater growth (probably plants of some sort) there in the lower right.
Are those our only two choices? If so, I'll go with clouds. I thought it was the ocean seen from an airplane at first.
Hey, BT3!
Looks like a glacier field to me. You can see what looks like the layers of ice running opposite of what looks like the wind blown and erosion patterns on top. There also looks to be quite a bit of black cracking and banding that would indicate debris deposited in the glacier which can tend to give them a dirty look. Anywho...that's this Science Chimp's guess! :)
All of the ideas sound good, but I keep coming back to show that was subjected to some freezing rain so it has an icy crust in layers, with a strong wind blowing to carve it a bit, with the sun very low to make the variations in the surface stand out. My main argument against that is the detail over such a large area.
my first thought. it is water
The soft underbelly skin of an elephant. the photo was taken from a prone position looking up. are there prizes?
I say its salt...
My first thought was water, probably the ocean. The effects of wind blowing against current...?
I'm no Science Chimp, just a guessing dog-doc. I do like the underneath of an elephant guess, though.
My very first thought was clouds from an airplane window... Do I get a prize?
William. If you're going to have a quiz you have to tell them what it is, eventually.
Folks, to repeat myself (from the fifth comment)'s the Midwest taken from a plane. For proof, please note the picture on the February 13, 2007 entry. Hmm...look familiar?
Dear Everyone, especially the Anonymous Party Pooper:
Yes, it's clouds taken from an airplane.
But I wish it WERE an elephant's belly.
Sorry to keep you all in suspended agitation.
I've always made a habit of taking pix out of airplane windows. Most of them stink, but every now and then....
I wouldn't call a reader (me) who had recall of a post six months ago a party pooper. Might have been a wee bit condescending. And you will note that my first anon post did not exactly give it away except to you. And my revealing post was only after Julie reminded you to give an answer.
I should think "kudos" to a dedicated reader might have been more appropriate than party pooper.
But since this won't be on the exam, I suppose it doesn't matter too much.
Dear Anon.
Sorry, meant it in light jest. Appreciate the dedicated reading and sharp eyes. Good thing you have them, too, because ALL of this IS going to be on the test.
Either way...Anonymous really knows his clouds...I thought it was snow.
Keep snapping photos, every now and then some great ones come around
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