This evening the birds were active around the farm, but they seemed to be completely NOT in the mood to be photographed. Indigo bunting, blue-winged warbler, white-eyed vireo, Carolina wren, ruby-throated hummingbird, chipping sparrow--all were camera shy in the orange wash of the evening's sunset.
So I found a calmer, more photogenic subject: a massive tiger swallowtail that was nectaring on some ironweed along the edge of the meadow.
Here are just a few of the frames I burned.
Bill of the Butterflies?
Pretty butterfly on pretty ironweed, my favorite wildflower of late summer/early autumn. Nice.
Great shots!
But isn't there a part of you that wishes you had done Chet Baker pulling on a leash?
Is it winter already in Minnesota?
So vibrant! Great color.
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