Now that
Letters From Eden is out and rocketing off the shelves at bookstores everywhere,
The Zickster is finding herself even more in demand as a speaker. This morning, before the sun had a chance to wipe the sleep-
drool off his face,
JZ was on the road, headed to two events in The Sunshine State, one at
Ding Darling NWR (where we
both spoke last winter) and one in Naples at
The Southwest Florida Birding Festival.

This is how things will look for
JZ in sunny FL. Here in
rural-most SE Ohio, it's 16 degrees and the grass is crunchy underfoot.

In Florida, the white ibises are
chillin' out, poking holes in the warm, wet sand. She'll have fun with her new camera.
Meanwhile this will be me, guarding the

Next week I go to the
Space Coast Birding Festival (which I seem to only be able to refer to as Space Ghost). This will be my turn to take photos of tame water birds with my new, honking camera. When I get back, we'll have an in-house show-off showdown to see who got the best pix.
Until then, we're more like ships passing in dawn's early light.
Usually it's boys and thier toys.
At Indigo is seems to be birders and thier toys.
Yeah, but at least we HAVE sun today, sleep drool or no. What a week of dense darkness it has been! Enjoy holding the fort...
We are gonna have fun!
I'm going to squeeze every drop of citrus out of my barely 3 days in Florida. There's Internet at my hotel. So I can stalk your blog, 'n you kin stalk mine.
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