Our buddy Jeff Bouton, top birder, digiscoping wizard, and birding field rep for Leica Sport Optics has a new blog hosted by Bird Watcher's Digest. It's called, simply, The Leica Birding Blog and it already has several meaty posts by Jeff.
I first met JB years ago in Cape May, NJ, where he was the official hawk counter. He hails from the frozen tundra of the Rochester, NY area, where he saw his spark bird, a snowy owl. But he's has spent lots of time living and birding in Alaska, and now resides in balmy Florida.
Jeff attends most of the major birding and nature festivals around North America leading field trips, talking optics with attendees, and teaching the field craft of digiscoping. The blog has a schedule of his upcoming appearances, so you can plan to intercept JB and ask him your burning questions. If you DO see him, tell him what you think of his new blog. And ask him what his favorite song is to sing at karaoke. Dude has got some serious singing pipes.
Always glad to find great blogs! This is wonderful BWD is helping them out!
Cool new blog but it only accepts comments from Google/Blogger members.
Great photography on that site. Definitely makes me wish I had a digiscope.
I adjusted the settings so now anyone can post a comment.
Robin: Thanks on behalf of Jeff and myself. I must admit that digiscoping is engrossing.
Monarch: Thanks for the kind words.
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