Yes friends, it's time once more for a Bill of the Birds Caption Contest. Send in your clever caption (using the comments interface on this blog) by Tuesday, September 4, 2012. If your caption is selected as the overall winner, you'll receive a year's subscription to Bird Watcher's Digest.
This amazing photo was contributed by my good pal Rondeau Ric McArthur who is a past winner of the caption contest here at Bill of the Birds.
head & shoulders....
jenny o'dell
I just know this would make great nesting material if it wasn't stuck to this human!
"Enjoy this moment, kid. Because you won't once you realized I just pooped on your head."
This is a Boone and Crocket trophy - now only if I can get it off the ground.
Marge decided to try a novel approach to rid Brett of his head-lice.
Mom, he followed me home. Can I keep him?
Kids today. Don't they realize headdresses were made from feathers, not whole birds?
"Well, it started out as a wart on my ass..."
Thank goodness he didn't land on my shoulder!
The rarely seen American Kestrel mind meld!
Training to be a pirate is hard work!
"Kid. It's what's for dinner."
"Following the trail of reflecting ultraviolet light from the mammal's urine, the Kestrel finally tracks down and grasps the juvenile homosapien biped."
"What he really wanted to take with him for his first year at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardy was a Snowy Owl, like Harry Potter's Hedwig. But alas, his family was so poor, nary a shirt for the lad could they afford. He had to settle for Kirby, the family farm's Sparrow Hawk."
Kirby the Kestrel's Appalachian Hair cuttin' corral.
Thank goodness for the Buzz Cut... It makes it easier to find the bugs!
Bird Brain!
Always let your conscience be your guide!
"I hope they don't mean this 'Spark Bird' thing literally!"
"DEWD! You've got a hawk-tail mullet!"
Well, I'd say Dinesh gir's insightful, informative, yet hilarious caption is the clear winner.
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