Send in your clever caption for the photograph above by Sunday, August 15 (using the comments window below). The winning caption, chosen by our ever-expanding panel of former American Idol judges, will receive a signed and numbered cover print of their choice from Bird Watcher's Digest.
Good luck!
Proving that bird photography is a debilitating condition, he thoughtlessly placed his binoculars in the sand.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did sit on my McGriddle breakfast sandwiches.
Work on The Field Guide to the Lost Contact Lenses of North America was progressing slowly.
Will black become the new beige? Catch the next episode of What Not To Wear While Birding.
Determined to win Spike TV's "America's Extreme Birding Challenge," Bill took it home with a lead in the "Reverse Limbo with Bird ID" round after successful completion of the "Choose the Oiliest Birdseed Peanut with Your Pants" event.
Cameraman BOTB gets the action shots on the new series WBWF! (Wild Bird Wrestling Federation)It's Jungle Foul vs. Guinea Hen! In the Ring! on Pay Per View !Order Now!
"Birder falls on face just short of finish line" ;)
Birding Contest: How many violations from the book "Good Birders Don't Were White" can you find?
In their first-ever trial-run the brand new Depends-For-Birders failed to live up to their advanced 'billing.'
Isn't he a bit old to still be looking up girl's dresses?
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground...
Cyberthrush you took my idea!
Unable to cross the border due to "The Fence" Bill tries for a Mexican lifer with the telephoto lens.
Word verification - pulscoph: more powerful than a spotting scope, it pulls the image of the bird much closer to you.
In the rush to photograph the rare purple-crowned hoosenfeffer, he unfortunately forgot to check for fire ants !
Going to extremes in getting that lifer can lead to overactive bladder.
12 years, equipment costs, travel and a ruined pair of pants... FINALLY, a great shot of a House Sparrow!
Using a combination of drab plumage, shiny objects and ground display, Bill attempts to lure female birders.
After successfully avoiding warbler neck, another unsuspecting birder falls victim to grouse gut.
Birders unite! Let's all get down and dirty!
This is the latest photographic technique for capturing the texture of an ostrich's toe skin.
The touch of the earth really "makes me wanna shout" but control yourself. You can do it.
If my subject was any shorter, I would have to dig a trench.
My body is starting to cramp, I wish this ostrich would get his head out of the ground.
And you thought only plumbers had "cracks".
Winning a worm tug-of-war is a bird's rite of passage.
Please let's have a little decorum. Oh my gosh, the birds are having a food fight again.
Photographing the intricate steps of a mating dance can be soooo fatiguing!
Bill attempted to retain some dignity by pretending to take a low angle photograph after tripping and falling flat on his face.
After reviewing his photos, Bill realized wicking fabrics were not the best choice for the Bird Boxers
The strange looks Bill received were worth getting a shot of a life mulch, Detritus birdersteponus
Multi-tasking: Worshipping the ground my love walks on and getting that perfect Oven-bird pict. for Bird watcher's Digest magazine
Figure 2.2
An inverse relationship exists between the rarity of a bird and the decorum of the watcher.
Wow. I could be birding, but instead I’m looking at some dude’s butt.
Certhia americana
Monitoring the nest wasn’t the same after the restraining order…
FINALLY, Bill was getting the photographic evidence of Julie and Erik's midday rendezvouses...
After photographing the rare antpitta, Bill promptly peed his pants due to the excitement.
This is just wrong on so many levels.
America's next top model!
Look, there's my Rogaine!
As the Palawan Peacock-pheasant rewarded a six-hour stakeout by finally striding into view, Bill overwhelmed his astronaut's diaper.
(btw-I know that isn't you, but I can't make fun of a stranger).
Yo, officer, over here!
After photographing the rare antpitta, Bill promptly peed his pants due to the excitement.
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