An adult female yellow-bellied sapsucker showed up at the peanut feeder today. Zick had noticed that the peanut consumption was way up and the peanuts in the feeder were way down, and wondered why—even going so far as to wonder specifically about a sapsucker.
I think she may have even conjured this bird. It's been years since we've had a sapsucker at the feeders regularly. I'm hoping this gal stays for a spell. We've got lots of peanuts on hand—she can eat all she wants.
Happy Friday everyone.
Congrats on the Sapsucker! GORGEOUS! Keep those peanuts coming....
Do you think Julie could conjure me up a Sapsucker too? Great shot. I hope he stays around.
Last week in TN I heard but did not see a yellow-bellied sapsucker. In the politics of birdwatching, does hearing count?
Isn't she beautiful!
It was a bit of ZickMagick.
Y'all are talking about me being beautiful, right? Oh, thank you. ; - p
Little Orange Guy, you bet heard birds count! Nothing else squeals like a sapsucker. And how come you were in TN and did not visit us? Huh?
You guys should invent a sap feeder. Some sort of oozing sugary hanging log or something. Just think how thrilled that sucker of sap would be then! Nice photo, great bird! I love their querulous mewing, too.
I have had sapsucker sightings at home and work this season (very unusual for me) but they were both drilling sap wells on tree trunks - Bradford pear at the office, apple at home. I have peanut feeders at both places, but they don't show any interest. I hope they stick around.
When you invent the sap-feeder, let me know.
Well, unfortunately there's no landing strip to match that air control tower at Indigo Hill ...
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