Dear Bill of the Birds Readers:
Here's one to ponder over the weekend. What is this bird?
Hint: It IS a warbler. I took this photo on Monday, September 22, 2008, in my yard in southeastern Ohio. So we know it's not a chiff-chaff.
Good luck!
And when you're done with this quiz, get out to see some REAL birds this weekend.
It's the peak of fall migration here in the Midwest.
Could it be a Tennessee warbler?
ouch i have sorta narrowed it to a tennessee or orange-crowned. bill i need to go with you on a fall warbler hike- actually many hikes. thanks for sharing
Tennessee Warbler
I'm assuming it's too early for Orange-crowned. Well, at least it is in GA.
This is a difficult one!
I guess Tennessee Warbler.
I am going to go with a Chestnut-sided Warbler.
Migration? What's migration? Nothing doing here...
Warblers...looks like a warbler to me...
Great photo!
You couldn't show the bird's head? I think this quiz series was planned as a way to use your less-than-perfect bird photos, LOL!
OK, after consulting 3 field guides and "Identify Yourself," I am going to go with Tennessee, based on the olive-drab plainness and the short tail. (Or, is that a trick of the angle of this photograph?)
~Kathi, challenged by the CFW's
PS: Grant - Orange-crowneds have been reported here in SW Ohio recently, so I assume Bill would have them in SE Ohio.
PPS: Mary - We will get you tons of warbler practice in WVa next spring. You will become Warbler Cum Laude
Sure looks like a Pine Warbler to me - assuming the short tail is an artifact of the angle from which the photo was taken.
Pine Warblers seem to like my peanut feeders, but I haven't seen one yet this season (North of Columbus OH). I expect to see one any day now, though!
It's a Backward-facing, Paparazzi-shunning Warbler. We have tons of them in California.
Put me down for a Tennessee as well.
Not that I am especially taken with the notion, but on the assumption that our host's silence indicates that nobody has yet hit the mark, I will make a wild stab and say Cape May. A picture I checked of a first winter female could not be ruled out because of the unhelpful angle.
The host is silent because he is at a birding festival this weekend. Or else, he is delaying just to torture us.
Bill - I did ID a fall warbler all by myself today - a Palm. OK, it wasn't a "confusing" one and I used the tail-wag behavior as my major "field mark," but still - I got one, at least.
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