It was a very birdy morning today at Indigo Hill. Lots of movement of migrants and much ado among the resident birds, too. Too bad it could not have been this birdy when our friend Carol B. visited last weekend.
I had to curtail things to head to the office, but before I did I got a few shots of an obliging fall-plumaged warbler. Can you guess its identity from this first image?
Here's a hint: Check out the lemon-lime badonkadonk....

That's right, it's a Cape May warbler and it conducted its very own Big Stay in our weeping willow tree for several minutes. Special thanx to Science Chimp for the artful pishing...

We get more than our fair share of Cape May warblers through here in the fall. It might be our most numerous fall warbler, which is a good thing because it lets me practice IDing them in their very varied plumages in this season of change.
OK, the lemon-lime badonkadonk was no hint at all for me, nor did I get it from the side view. Obviously, I need remedial Fall Warbler Training.
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kennobe. You're my only hope."
I'm with Katdoc. The badonkadonk (tee-hee) didn't mean much to me - I don't see warblers because my camera is too lame to catch their action. Hmmmmph. I enjoy your view!
Oh that reminds me it is almost big sit time!
It is hard to think of a big sit or badonkadonk birding
without thinking of you!
Hey the Big Badonkadonk Spot has a nice ring to it!
You girls get back to MY blog. Go.
No way, Zick - you have gutpiles, Bill has badonkadonks and birds.
Bill, where are the Giant Things?
I am also so warbler challenged. All I've ever really seen are Pine Warblers and Yellow-Rumps. The rest all sort of mush together in my beautiful shots.
OMG I'll never be able to look at another bird without wondering what color it's badonkadonk is. LMAO...I am so glad I started trolling your site Bill. Zick makes me laugh but you made me howl this spatters all over the monitor.
I'm looking for the Society for Blogger Equality. Could this possibly be the correct location ?
Bloggrrls. You know where you belong. Now git!
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