Birdchick asked me to blogsit for her two Decembers ago, and look what happened.
I'm happy to report that, in addition to the partial and woefully incomplete list of responsibilities listed above, I will not be composing Bill's posts. There is only so much a Science Chimp can do. And I wouldn't attempt to match the unique mix of fabulous photography, zaniness and introspection that BOTB delivers. Instead, Bill threw together a mini-carnival of sorts. You'll be treated to the photos and musings of some cyber-friends. It should be interesting to see what they decide is fit fodder for Bill's blog, no? First to respond was Rondeau Ric.
Here he goes:
BOTB has a slight obsession with Giant Things and they show up here on an irregular basis.
My thing is signs, the odder the better.
I got a few strange looks going into the men’s room at the local bar to get a shot of this.

How often do you need to service your dinosaur?

I found driving in Scotland a bit like driving in West Virginia, narrow roads, speeding locals and single lane roads but at least they warn you in Scotland.

And my all time favourite. (Note: I am leaving this spelling intact because Rondeau can't help it. He's from Canada. I also think it's cute.--Zick)

If you have permission, is it still trespassing?
Hope you are enjoying yourself, BT3.
Zick: Thanks so much, RR. Sparkling, quirky, just right. I'll look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings in the BOTB blog carnivalette. Consider that a nudge, carnivaletters.
Ok, the pressure is on. How can I possibly come up with something more entertaining than this by RR or what BOTB delivers? Huh?
I especially like the "oncoming vehicles in middle of road" sign! That happens in some of the back roads in Okanogan county, Washington state, so I'm always cautious when driving them.
For the record, I pay my blog sitters. You might want to make sure the hubby delivers an oh so cool gift when he returns to you.
Way to get the blog rolling RR!
I should have paid YOU, BC! By the way, thanks for getting me into this...remember when we met in October 2005 and you mentioned your blog and I responded, "What's a blog?"
Driving my mother back to Ohio from SC I saw a sign by the road that read "Fresh Produce Too Blocks." It sent me into a deep contemplation and meditation on my diet. Also, it made my day!
Julie, you stooge, don't you realize Bill is just doing this to bring more traffic and comments to his blog (...he's SOOOOO jealous of your blog!) I'll bet he's just hanging out around the corner at the local Motel 8, and once the blog traffic gets up to his liking, he'll magically re-appear with all sorts of concocted tales of travel far-and-wide... or, maybe not.
RR: Wonderful humor, love the signs !
JZ: After this, BT3 will owe you..BIG TIME...and your fans will be happy to remind him, just give the word !
Heron: One day I will need my blog army, and I will not hesitate to deploy it. Building ferocious loyalty, one post at a time...
Cyberthrush, you made me hoot!
Your Legion awaits !
Hey, I think cyberthrush is on to something!
And JZ, I was so geeked to have you host--I was such a fangirl.
Acckk! I'm not worthy! How can I compete with dinosaur service stations and men's room humor?
an intimidated neophyte blogger
Note the operative word, "was" in BC's comment.
Hmmm... Blogsitting... I think that's on It pays in laughs!
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