Just in case you don't believe us, here's proof that it was by a roadside. This bird was large enough to qualify as a Giant Thing here at BOTB.
Later that day, Zick and I were giving our "Music of the Birds" program at Aullwood Audubon Center near Dayton, Ohio. Our Canadian pals Rondeau Ric and Anne came to hear us and to do a bit of birding. Ric photographed this male northern cardinal at the Aullwood feeders. Clearly this fellow's been through a lot. Losing his head feathers to mites. Getting trapped in a mist net and banded (see color bands on his near leg).
These trials and tribulations did not seem to affect his appetite, however.
Our evening performance at Aullwood went well. The audience was enthusiastic and Tom Hissong and the good folks on the Aullwood staff made us feel right at home. It's a wonderful nature center with plenty to do and see. If you have the chance to visit Aullwood, which is just north of I-70 on Dayton's west side, don't miss it.
Thanks for the post, Bill.
Question, if I may: Do birds such as this cardinal ordinarily recover from such mite attacks? Or are they usually fatal?
The feather mite infestations that make cardinals bald look a lot worse than they really are (due to the cardinal's surprisingly dark head skin). The head feathers will return with the next molt and the bird should be fine.
The reason the infestations occur on the head is: it's the only place a bird cannot preen itself!
You actually had me with the hawk, I was thinking , WOW super pic. Great timing.
Some how, some where there will be pay back. ;-)
Is there a state records committee for Giant Things?
Ric: If you want to borrow the photo for the Ontario Records Committee, feel free!
Hammer Chick: Yes, the head of the Giant Things Records Committee is Jim McCormac, Ohio's own Incredible Birding Hulk.
Now, that is something you don't see every day! Large hawk and a feather mite infested cardinal! Great job BT3
Jimmy Mac, you gonna let that go unanswered, O He Who Never Comments?
not a Roadside hawk. Just cause it's near the road, doesn't mean it's a roadside hawk.
Somewhere in WISCONON is a giant fiberglass loon
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