Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tikal Highlights: Quickly

Jeff (El Jefe) Gordon, Julie (The Sketching Science Chimp) Zickefoose, and I spent four fabulous days at Tikal late last week. Here are a few of the photographic highlights, hastily posted from an ephemeral Internet connection near Coban in the cloud forest of Guatemala.

White-fronted parrot.

Yellow-throated euphonia in the Gran Plaza at Tikal.

Olive-backed euphonia in the Gran Plaza.

Collared aracari just outside our hotel at Tikal.

Sketchefoose at Tikal.

Red-capped manakin--perhaps my favorite life bird thus far on this trip.

Jeff eschewed the still camera for video for this trip.

Temple at Tikal rising from the jungle. A nice perch for a black vulture.


  1. This looks like soo much fun Bill! I just love all the colors in those birds that you captured! Keep the amazing pictures coming!

  2. WOW!!! What color. I am in awe.

  3. Glad to hear all are well and happy. Loving that red-capped manikin - Gorgeous!

    Weather in Ohio is about to break - should be safe for you to return by the end of the week, when temps rise from the teens to the 40's.


  4. What fun and so much color! Can't wait to see more!

  5. Wonderful pictures! The photos of your companions capture their spirits so well.

  6. I'm glad I subscribed to your blog and at least a little jealous. It's 10 degrees here in Maine right now. Beautiful shots!


  7. That Collared Aracari looks just like Toukie...he was a bird I found in a pet store in south Texas. He lived with us for years. He slept on a box on a shelf. It was fun to throw him grapes and berries which he would catch and bash on the branch before swallowing. Tough little birds. He loved chicken. Their beaks are so amazing. Extremely agile.
    Jeff looks pretty good...too!
    Love to all.
