Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Estamos en Guatemala

This is a shot out the window of our airplane, flying high over the Midwest of the United States. It could just as easily be an image of the snow on the wings of said plane at 6:00 am when we were getting de-iced on the runway of the Cowtown Airport.

But we made it into the friendly skies and are glad for that. We are now in Guatemala. No birding yet, but plenty of time to reunite with old friends and to revel in the fact that outside out window, the clay-colored robins are singing. Whereas, back home in Whippletucky, the snow's still flying.

We do miss the kids. And you, Chet Baker. Catbird and SB, thanks for covering the homefront!

These are the mountains of Guatemala, again, viewed from the plane.

We spent the afternoon shopping at the fantastic Artisans' Market near the Guatemala City Zoo. You like colorful, authentic textiles? This is Nirvana. So much beautiful hand-woven work--it's art, really. One of the things I love about this country is the thriving omnipresence of the indigenous culture.

Later on, we had a drinkypoo with several old friends here in Guatemala City, including Marco (pictured above with Zick), Ana Cristina, Bitty, Elena, and Estelita. Jeff "El Jefe" Gordon is here with us, too, adding immeasurably to the fun.

My Guatemalan aventura is officially started when I drink the first Gallo cerveza. Let the wild birding fracas begin!

We'll fly to Flores in the wee horas and then drive to Tikal tomorrow, so no posts for a few days. But I hope to come back laden with good bird pix. ¡Hasta luego, amigos! ¡Vaya con los pajaros!

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