Deadline is Friday morning, January 13, 2012 at 10:14 am. I (and my panel of very nearly ethical judges) will select a winner on that day. The winning entry gets a set of birding bumper stickers and a NEW CAR* to put them on!
Good luck and may the farce be with you.
*by "new car" we mean a Matchbox car stolen from my son Liam's overflowing toy chest in the basement. I promise to choose one that still has all four wheels fully functioning.
The local drunk fails to make the free beer at the brewery sponsored book signing..
Shot down by an unknowledgeable passer by!!!!
Jeanne Ritchie
Bill fell down but the propeller from atop his head did not.
Trampled by the overenthusiastic crowds ...
Stunned at the extravagance of a custom sign to advertise his visit, Bill figured the least he could do was be sure a picture of it went up on his web site.
Thousands attended Bill's book signing. Thousands of chiggers.
Richard Crossley faints at the prospect of meeting his life's hero...
BT3 fan is first in line camping out/hawk watching Oct 15th...
Sure he's a birding celebrity, but when you meet BT3 in person, he's just so down to earth.
Bill suffers from the vapors as stage fright completely overcomes him yet again.
A FOUR HOUR book signing...Oh dear Lo....THUD!!!
Dude, it's not even 8:15. How much beer did you have with breakfast?
"Hurry, someone get a band around his leg before he fully recovers".
'I can't believe they left the 3 out of my name!!" (thud)
"Witnesses on the scene said the man was so over-whelmed at finally seeing his name in print that he collapsed."
Nothing like passing gas in the grass...
Bill crumbled when he realized there was no giant inflatable man to advertise his book signing.
Passing out like a tween Bieber fan, Bill is a very enthusiastic fan...of himself.
Arrows on signs are lethal too. Who knew?
Bill Thompson, III demonstrates his new intensive yoga technique that he developed while on a birding expedition in India. Supposedly, it prevents hand-cramps during four hour book signing marathons.
Seeing a lifer bird ( Five-winged Flamingo) had a fainting effect on Bill.
BT3"s Big Flop.
BT3's Big Sit becomes Big Flop.
Bill underestimates the wind power being generated by the whirl-i-gig.
"The body was dumped in an area which was guaranteed to get no foot traffic. At press time, police have yet to locate the left arm."
Bill learns that when stretching the elastic Bino Harness to maximum length...you should never just let go.
At 12:35 today OC brought a cannon to a pillow fight. Bravo!!!!
OMG! Bill Thompson! (swoon)
You mean I have to carry all of the books in myself?
In addition to the book signing, auditions will be held for the new Life Call Commercial (HELP, I've fallen and I can't get up...)
I'm bushed just thinking about it!
While the sports world gets the sexy and provocative poses in Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, this all the birding world gets?
Virgin planker gets it all wrong!
@Peggy - Oh I like that! Maybe Bill is trying to start a new internet craze called "BT3'ing".
My name is Bill and I am a stoned bird watcher.
1. I just need to keep this spot warm until Mama gets back!
2. You ain't homeless if you got a sign.
Noted Author and Authority on Birding Demonstrates "The Thompson Method" for Attracting Turkey Vultures.
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