Pull out the lobe of your brain in which clever quips are created, shake it awake, and send us your most funniest caption for the photo above. In case it matters to you and your creative process, the above image was taken in June near Chase Lake NWR in North Dakota. That's all I'm permitted to share due to several restraining orders.
If your funnyhaha caption is chosen as the winner, you will receive a set of the forthcoming Birder's bumper stickers from the BWD Nature Shop. That's a $15 value, people.
Please use the comments window below to enter. A winner will be chosen on Tuesday, August 9, so get your entry in by midnight on August 8, 2011. Good luck!
"Hands Up - You are under arrest for being peeping toms"
Oh Baird's Sparrow Gods, we beseech you. May you provide us with many close looks and breeding displays!
"Birding the Grassland" is brought to you in part by Sure deodorant and antipersirant - wetness protection for men and women. When you are celebrating that life bird, never let the other birders see you sweat.
BT3 and friends once again showing the latest fashion trend in wearing the bino-bra: Old Lady Style...low and saggy on the belly.
Forget that Enhanced Super Model look...high and tight-on-the-chest...which was so 2010.
Oh no!!! Birders trapped in a Mime Box!!!
Bill and friends trying to lure in a rare bird by doing a fancy mating display to the song "YMCA".
How the bird got the gun to hold up the birdwatchers, we may never know.
O –H – I – O is the proper spelling … the excitement of spotting that life bird threw everyone off kilter
Bill's readers can be thankful I didn't wear my Speedo and Lycra t-shirt that day.
The "airing of the pits" made the next 7 hours in the van more bearable.
At first, they thought the bino bandit was joking.
All attempts by the team to lure in a few woodland birds for their North Dakota Big Day by pretending to be mulberry trees proved fruitless.
The Scarecrow, Dorothy, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion celebrate the sighting of Dorothy's lifer flying-monkey shortly before entering the poppy field.
Hokey Pokey.
Okay, all right. We've got feathers in our pockets. You gonna arrest us?
The search for the 'Lord God Bird' widens to North Dakota.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Honestly officer, the property owner misunderstood us -- we told him we'd be 'pishing' on his land...
Birders arrive early awaiting Comet Elenin.
Birding exercise makes for great birders. OK, next move, bend over like a Sandhill Crane feeding and touch your toes.
News Flash
A group of Canadian birders were arrested by Homeland Security after ill-eagley crossing the North Dakota border while in pursuit of a pipit.
Authorities stated the group was detained after being spotted by a Sandhill Crane hunter.
The North Dakota auditions for "So You Think You Can Dance" left the judges unimpressed.
You mean you all have to go potty? Don't look at me, do you think I have a bush in my pocket? You should have gone before we left!
Welcome to this week's episode of Richard Simmons' "Calisthenics For Birders" brought to you by Swarovski...
It was this BIG!
Veteran birders pulling a prank on some newbies...
"If you raise your hands like this, while standing in an open prairie, the birds will just flock to you like magic. Oh, you also have to yell 'Here snipe!' over and over as loud as you can."
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