Sixteen years ago this morning my life changed forever.
That was the day that Phoebe Linnea Thompson came into the world.
This photo (above) shows us on her first day back at home.
Man I was SO in love! And I still am.

Through the years, Phoebe has grown into quite an amazing young woman. Oh my, was she super adorable as a little girl. This is her first day of preschool. She was holding her pacifier in her right hand, behind her back.
Try as I might, I can't convince her to go back to the pixie haircut. Who can blame her? If I had hair that gorgeous and red, I'd wear it long, too.
Heck, I'd settle for just having HAIR!

See what I mean?
Phoebe is many things as a person. She loves flowers:

She loves birds. In this image she's loving up a fledgling eastern phoebe that Julie was rehabbing.

Phoebe loves a good session of dress-up—especially for Halloween.
She was the best Red Hat Lady ever a few years back.

And recently she's gotten into acting in plays at her high school.
She's a natural ham—we wonder where she gets it.
She loves her Pittsburgh Pirates (a trait she inherited from her dad).

This is Phoebe at a Pirates' game with my dad. We were celebrating Dad's birthday on that day. How I wish he could be here for this day.
Phoebe was not YET a crazed Pirates fan. That came later.

At Pirates' games the Pirate Parrot always seems to find Phoebe. She's one of the more radiant female fans, and her bodyguard (in fedora) also seems to enjoy the attention.

My girl helped me do a book once.
And she often has a long line of autograph seekers queued up to meet her.

Phoebe loves Chet Baker to the point of tormenting him.
But he adores her, as does everyone else.

We all love our tall, gorgeous redhead and we grab every opportunity to hug her (as her mama Julie is here), pull her close...

and we try to snap a shot or two. Because we know she will not be here with us for every day too much longer. She is bound for other places, and an amazing life.

No one in our family adores Phoebe more than her little bro-ski Liam.
I am most proud of the big sister that Phoebe is. She is old and wise and kind beyond her years.
Wow! very beautiful as is your daughter! Happy Birthday Phoebe!
Laughing at that big ole butt and sniffling at your loving sensitivity. You done real good, Dad.
Oh my, Billy Thompson! What a beautiful post for your amazing daughter. She does have some pretty awesome genes, between you and Julie. And you two have done a might fine job of raising her!! That is a huge part of the reason that she has blossomed into such a fabulous young woman! Happy Birthday to Phoebe! And, thanks to you and Julie for being such great parents! Young people such as Phoebe and Liam give a person hope for the future. Love you.
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, PhOeBe !!! This is YOUR day! A milestone birthday! Your Dad just nailed the "gooshy" part of the get out there...celebrate and suck all the wonderfulness of this day with your special and awesome family!!!
Verklempt again on the occasion of Miss Phoebe's birthday. I hope she has a wonderful day.
This is a wonderful post about a wonderful family. It inspires me to stay "in the moment" with my 6 year old (extreme bird lover) Sophia and 8 yr old Will. Thanks Bill and happy birthday to Phoebe!
Love your birthday tribute! Couldn't help noticing the last photo especially her right arm, wondering what's behind her back now? Happy Birthday, Phoebe! You are much loved!
Lovely sentiments about an amazing and lovely young lady!
Well said. What a great Dad!
A beautiful birthday post for your very beautiful Phoebe. Such love!
No words. Sigh. So lovely. What a fantastic family you have.
Bill, Susanna made sure, thank goodness, that I didn't miss your beautiful posting to Phoebe today. Yes, she is lovely, and she will surely treasure this tribute. Love, Mary
If I'm ever down in the dumps, I'm going to come back and look at Phoebe on her first day of preschool.
Wonderful post. That first day of preschool photo is the most adorably precious thing ever. Happy B-day, Phoebe!
Happy sweet 16 dear Phoebe. You have the most precious family anywhere. Enjoy the day and God bless you.
You & J. done goooood!
I have a 16 year old as well. She does some of my photography for my blog along with the lay out. This post you did with the growth of your daughter brought tears to my eyes. I write an inspirational blog and I have to say your post won my heart for most inspirational. I am also getting obsessed with bird watching so I will be peeking into your blog when I can. Thanks
Did me in again. What am I going to do with you and Julie? You both have me blubbering away on a regular basis.
Happy Birthday Phoebe! She's such a lovely young lady and this is a very special post from a proud papa. Great to see.
Wonderful post for a wonderful daughter! I especially loved the Phoebe and phoebe photo. Box turtle Jo looked at the post with me and would give Phoebe a nose bump, too: a turtle-to-turtle greeting (and for the turtles of our cognition lab, turtle-to-humans and vice versa).
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