Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Indigo Hill Big Sit 2011 Slide Show

Our friends at Wingscapes have been touting their PlantCam as a neat way to take timelapse photographs of plants or anything else. I decided to set my PlantCam to take a photo every 10 minutes during the 2011 Big Sit. And this slideshow is the result. Pretty neat if you ask me!

More on the Big Sit in the coming days.


  1. A turtleneck?! Seriously?! I thought you just said you weren't an ornithologist. Glad to see you shed the turtleneck a few frames later and donned the super cool Indiana Jones hat. Of course you did change your wardrobe about as much as Owen Wilson did in "The Big Year" movie.

  2. Neat vid, B! Too bad the camera couldn't pick up our most ardent and numerous participants: the paper wasps who crashed the party around 1 pm.
    Fun to see the tower fill back up when they finally left in their limos.

  3. Nice to see an MBS water bottle in use!

  4. Hi Bill,
    The Gig Sit thing looks ineresting. As for your plant cam; it did a good job.It was nice seeing you in some of the frames. Good idea.
