Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Times of the Signs

I encountered this sign outside a fire station in a small Caribbean country. Talk about a buzzkill. Most everyone I know would be in violation of this dress code. However, now that I think of it, most birders would be completely in compliance, which is troubling.


  1. no pinocchio pants! I don't know what those are, but the bars in Rockaway forbid them, along with do-rags. Obviously they didn't want patrons of color. But what island were you on? Was the dress code a veiled racial thing?

  2. Not troubling, Bill, old friend, just practical and comfortable! No need to impress anyone! I would add no heels, and no loud, bright-colored clothing, right? Earth-tones, arise!

  3. Oh this birder would be totally violating that sign.

  4. I thought you said the Midwest Birding Symposium was the world's friendliest birding event. I had planned on wearing a speedo with slippers while in Lakeside, but I guess not.

  5. That is too funny as is your comment on birders! LOL

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