Sunday, June 12, 2011

Most Beautiful Blackbird

My nominee for North America's Most Beautiful Blackbird is the Brewer's blackbird. Check out the iridescence on this dude I photographed on territory in North Dakota recently.

He's got that "look" in his pale eye that the ladies can't resist. Just enough of a bill to be taken seriously. Drooping his wings to show he's down with it. AND, he's got a sweet rock in the center of his turf, surrounded by blooming prairie wildflowers.

He reminds me of a gangster in a shiny, shark-skin suit (though there have not been any sharks in North Dakota for a few million years).

I trust you'll agree this is a beautiful blackbird. But I'll accept rebuttals and counter-nominations.


  1. This is absolutely my favorite blackbird. I think the females are incredibly beautiful.

  2. I love the idea of a gangsta blackbird! The Brewer's do be one bad bird.

  3. The Yellow-headed is my pick. He sports a Superhero hood which has to be sooo honkin handsome to the ladies!

  4. I am attracted and impressed by its persona as described by Bill. It reminds of our Cape Glossy Starling and others to mention but one down here in Southern Africa.I looked at the pic; he is indeed a beauty.

  5. I vote for Baltimore Oriole (they're blackbirds too)
