Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Spring Feeding Outlook is Rosy

This spring, for the first time ever, a male rose-breasted grosbeak has been visiting the sunflower seed feeder outside the kitchen window. We get them annually on the feeders outside the studio windows, which are farther from the house. And their tennis-shoe-on-the-gym-floor eeek! is a common sound on spring mornings here at Indigo Hill. But this dude was so close that I was able to take this image with my Canon G12 standing at the kitchen window.

I wish we were lucky enough to have the rosies around all summer, but they are merely passing through en route to more northerly woodland. At least while they're here we know they will be well fed and watered.


  1. Wow, what a coinky-dink! We have a gang of five Grosbeaks visiting our feeders now! 'Cept mine are all facing the wrong direction...

  2. Bill, my first one showed up today. I love knowing that they are on their way up to the mountains. I would like to be following them.

  3. Please bring some Rose-breasted Grosbeaks with you when you come to the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival!

  4. Brings back memories:
    When I was in kindergarten my neighbor called me up one day (knowing I was interested in birds) to say that a weird bird was on his porch, dead from a window strike. It turned out to be a male RBGR, one of the 1st birds to WOW me, and set me on a certain path!

  5. Que assim seja!

    Belíssima foto! Parabéns*


  6. Saw the first male Rose-breased Grosbeak of the year at our safflower feeder yesterday.

  7. We have many males and females around right now, which means lots of posturing, positioning, and chasing. I hope yours stick around, Bill!

  8. I noticed a nest being built on my window ledge by a robin from scratch. Days later, saw (from the inside of our house)4 blue eggs on it being sat on by the bird. Today, found out that the eggs hatched and saw mother watching over and another bird bringing food and feeding the chicks. I'm so excited watching that I am even thinking of maybe recording it on video. I worry though that any movement/noise inside the house close to the nest may scare of the birds. Should I just let them do their thing and not bother to record it on video? What do you think? thanks.
