Friday, April 15, 2011

Two Words

Yes! and....


Those rather poor photos represent my two latest life birds: the black-capped vireo and the lesser prairie chicken. I got both of them while attending The Woodward Lesser Prairie Chicken Festival in Woodward, Oklahoma. This small-sized birding fest is a keeper. And the birds are stupid ossum.

I'm going back for better chicken photos tomorrow, if the weather gods comply. Got great looks at both species, though, and that counts most of all for me. Just love being out here in the land of the big sky—it does one's heart some good.


  1. Cool bird and sightings. Congrats!

  2. Awesome collections of birds picture. These all birds are beautiful. I started to use sunflower hearts and ever since I have had loads of Goldfinches visiting the feeders every day. This has enabled me to be able to photograph them at fairly close quarters. Thanks for sharing…

  3. Yeah, pretty nice sounding birding fest! Hope to get there next year to see those dancing grouse of the short grass prairie.
