Monday, February 21, 2011

First Robin of Spring!

I am pleased to report that on my recent birding adventure to the north country, I encountered The First Robin of Spring! Clearly these early returnees to the wintry parts of the species' range are made of different stuff than your normal, everyday robins.

I've written here before about TFROS. I wonder if they subsist on iceworms during spells of inclement weather.


  1. I've heard that for some species, including Hairy Woodpecker, there is a gradual increase in body size as one goes from the southern to northern parts of their range, but none my reading prepared me for that much of a difference!

  2. There's a joke about turdus and knee-high boot just waiting to be made.

  3. Erik, I thought Canada geese were bad, but.........

  4. Though tiny, the robin is a real friend. One bird used to come and sleep inside my house on the door above the transom at the corner. then one day it suddenly stopped coming.
