Thursday, July 1, 2010

Giant Things of Montana

Oh mighty Giant Rifleman
giant gun in giant hands
looking for a giant thrill
from giant varmints you could kill

But sadly you must stay right here
guarding the casino by your rear
And what of those gambling innocents
if you have a bit of flatulence?

I see them screaming, clothes alight
staggering out into the night
a giant fart from giant jeans
caused by giant can of beans

That unhappy look upon your face
makes me think you hate this place
you cannot sit, or run, or dance
or change your giant underpants

O Giant Cowboy, what a life
all alone, no giant wife
wired in place, yet standing tall
the world to you must seem so small.


  1. Poor Cowboy must be sweating it,
    Since Giant Jesus took a hit,
    Buck up, our Buckaroo, you're still
    The muse to our beloved Bill!

  2. Giant cowboy in Montana
    Of you I am a giant fan, a
    Big aficionado if you will
    But not as big a fan as Bill.

    Great post!

  3. There once was a Cowboy Gigantic
    Who could be seen (almost) from the Atlantic
    But when spotted by Bill
    A poem did spill
    And now Cowboy is as infamous as the Titanic.

  4. My name is Will
    And I'm a giant cowboy,
    His name is Bill
    And he's a big birder.
    It makes me mad
    And I won't be coy,
    But he's very bad
    to commit poetic murder.
