Monday, July 19, 2010

Bill of the...Mammals?

Monday, July 19, 2010
Pronghorn antelope buck.

Every so often I am reminded that there is more to the natural world than just birds. Being so immersed in the world of birds tends to make one a tad myopic. And I plead guilty to that charge.

It was genuinely refreshing last month when the family and I spent a week in Yellowstone National Park where the birding was OK, but the mammal watching was outta sight!

This buck pronghorn antelope was ogling a nearby group of does, so he took little notice when our vehicle rolled to a stop about 50 feet from him, cameras beeping and whirring.

I hope to have a few Yellowstone posts in the coming days and weeks and many of them will be full of my gushing over the charismatic mega-fauna of Yellowstone. However, I don't think I'll be changing the name of this blog—though Bill of the Bighorns has a certain ring to it...


On July 19, 2010 at 1:17 PM Unknown said...

Pronghorns are one of my favorite mammals and on my annual trip to Big Bend National Park in late May/early June, I always look for them in the grasslands around Marfa and Fort Davis, Texas. I have yet to not see at least on on every trip out there.

One of the best mammal gatherings I have ever witnessed was in Wyoming one winter along IH-90 with about 1 foot of snow on the ground a herd that stretched out about a half mile or so just slowly walked west. I didn't know that in the winter they often gathered in large groups like that!

Thanks for sharing the image.

On July 20, 2010 at 7:08 AM Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photo of a majestic animal. Yellowstone is a goal for my family as well.

On July 20, 2010 at 3:35 PM Tim said...

I love your blog! When I have a bit more time I will be back. :) Nature is one of my favorite subjects.

On July 20, 2010 at 7:42 PM Hilke Breder said...

You brought back wonderful memories of our trip to Yellowstone Park, so long ago, before wolves were reintroduced. I'd love to back! Thanks for your post.

On July 29, 2010 at 3:30 PM Pet Guilt said...

I love pronghorns. I grew up in Laramie, WY, and desperately long to leave the midwest to see my beloved mountain fauna again. This is a LOVELY shot you've captured!