Episode #26 of my podcast "This Birding Life" was just pulled out of the Easy-Bake Oven and is now available for downloading. This episode is entitled "Voices of Guyana." It's available (free of charge) in the usual places—at Podcast Central on the BWD website and in the iTunes Store in the Podcast section (just search for "This Birding Life").

Like most of the 25 episodes that preceded it, this one is available in two formats: audio only (mp3) and enhanced audio with still photos (m4a).

As you might surmise from the title, "Voices of Guyana," this episode is a series of interviews I conducted on my trip in March of 2010 to Guyana. I was there as a part of a familiarization tour for journalists and tour operators to sample bird watching in Guyana. The trip was amazing, the birds were as fabulous as they were numerous, and the people of Guyana were a complete pleasure to meet (with the possible exception of Mr. Dogg the somewhat cranky pick-up truck driver, but that's another story for another time...).
I've been writing some here on BOTB about my experience in Guyana. There's more coming, too, both here and in the pages of Bird Watcher's Digest, and on the BWD website, where we have created a special Guyana section.
Guyana is a country that is only just emerging as a destination for ecotourists. If you'd like to know more about this amazingly birdy South American country, please take a stroll through some of the content we're offering in these various formats.
Thanks for reading, watching, listening.
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