Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Caption Contest #13

This photograph is begging—crying out even—for a clever caption. It's a shot I took of a bunch of birders (and an old TV) on top of a mountain in West Virginia.

Here's how the Bill of the Birds caption contests work:
1. You study the photo above.
2. You cogitate as long as it takes and then you write a clever, funny caption.
3. You enter said caption via the Comments link on this post.
4. We pick a winner. Deadline is Tuesday, May 25, 2010.
5. If it's your caption that wins, we'll send you a fabulous prize (see below).
6. You bask in the glory of your accomplishment and your general cleverness.

The winner of BOTB Caption Contest #13 will receive a year's subscription to eBWD, the digital edition of Bird Watcher's Digest. You can enjoy this yourself or give it as a gift to a friend. That's a $15 value, people (in US Dollars, not Euros.)

Good luck to one and all and may the most cleverest among you win!


  1. Don't let reruns get you down...change the channel!

  2. Pilot episode of new reality TV show, "Twitching West Virginia." Ratings were decidedly poor.

  3. "Birder Improv" a new and unsuccessful alternative to pishing has yet to gain wide acceptence within the community.

  4. The latest in 3D technology. Beat this Avatar!!!!

  5. In retrospect the first day of the short-livewd BWD cable channel could have benefited from somewhat higher production expertise.

  6. Yeah, I'm tired of watching myself, too. Let's change the channel.

  7. The desperate trip leader had promised good looks at a TV, but with the still air that day none of them were flying.

  8. Am I really that disturbing-looking? Let me tune it in a little better.

  9. BWD's venture into a birding television programming was short-lived when they had forgotten that the nation had gone digital!

  10. with his 3G iPad yet again backordered, Lester decided to check out Hewlett Packard's tablet offering...

  11. "Where is that dang remote?! That blasted birding show is on again."

  12. Paul's new portable bird blind with 13 custom channels - Only $19.95 with your paid subscription to BWD!

    - sorry, I can't help myself -

  13. Kirtlands! Didya see the Kirtlands! Wait, wait! Here's the Cerulean, didya SEE the CeruLEAN! OH!OH! Now a LAWRENCES! A LAWRENCES!! Dial-a-bird is AWESOME!

  14. WHOOOOAA!... That's a little TOO high definition for me!

  15. ...The ORIGINAL version of YouTube.

  16. DagNabbit, I thought I TiVo'd 'American Idol' last night!

  17. I,m telling yo'all this is the exact spot Aves and Eggbert got abducted last spring...Now if I can only get the right channel...maybe I can lure them aliens back.

  18. Nature Deficit Disorder takes a turn for the worse in the hills of West Virginia...

  19. From the beginning, Bill of the Birds has been committed to the best in technology for birding.

  20. John Acorn returns to TV with a new season of Twits an Pishers.

    I like Janet Creamers comment.

  21. The Dodo bird, extinct since the 17th century, has a new found cousin:
    The Dumb-Dumb bird.

  22. Lee Peterson struggles to find the West Virginia Loon in Dad's field guide.

  23. New iPad for Birders huge success in West Virginia

  24. There's nothing good on TV...hey, let's go birding!

  25. The West Virginia IPOD, exclusive to these here hills. Patent Pending. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

  26. I'm lovin' Eric's comment. He's da caption king.

  27. your blog is nice and has good commnets also. thanks for posting good articles.

  28. And just when we were about to give up...there it was. The black-capped tele-veery. It was a Lifer for many of us.


    No, no, no! Turn it back to WBLR!

  29. Picking a winner is going to be tough. Our committee has been up all night arguing about this.
