Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Podcast Episode: The Big Sit!

Part of the crowd at the 2009 Indigo Hill Big Sit.

If you've ever wondered what it's like to do a Big Sit, episode 23 of my podcast, "This Birding Life" will take you deep inside the record-setting 2008 Big Sit at the Indigo Hill birding tower in southeastern Ohio.

You can listen to the episode, and the 22 that preceded it, at Podcast Central on the Bird Watcher's Digest website, or in the iTunes store, where "This Birding Life" is available for free in both regular audio (MP3) and enhanced audio (M4a) formats. Search in Podcasts under the Games & Hobbies for the MP3 version and in Literature for the M4a version. Unfortunately the new version of iTunes makes it a bit harder to navigate into the podcasts category, so I suggest you use the Search function in the upper right-hand corner of the iTunes window.

More than 5,000 episode files of "This Birding Life" are downloaded each month from Podcast Central (and that's not counting the episode files listeners access via iTunes). If you haven't listened to my podcast before, I wish you would. I promise it's easy on the ears.

Recording the latest episode. Photo by Julie Zickefoose.

Thanks for listening (and reading) and I'll see you out there with the birds.—BOTB

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