Friday, November 6, 2009

Here's Looking at You!

Every so often, when taking photographs, you get a head-on shot of a bird. Most of these images are fairly weird-looking, and often, they are unusable for publishing because they do not show the key field marks necessary for visual recognition.

Some of them are usable, however. I use this one (of a Carib grackle from Trinidad) to intimidate my kids into cleaning their rooms. I know, brilliant, right?

Here's how: Simply hang a poster-sized version of this image (shown below) on the wall, and pipe in the audio track from "The Birds."

Like Billy Dee Williams used to say about Colt 45 Malt Liquor: "Works every time!"


  1. Will that work on my boss when I ask for a raise?

  2. Great Colt 45 ad; and with a beer can to boot! I am so tweeting about that one on my beercanmuseum Twitter account. Thanks for the link, Bill!
