Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caption Contest #9

Here's another installment of our ever-popular Caption Contest here at Bill of the Birds. Use the Comment feature at the bottom of this post to submit your clever caption and you just might win our grand prize: A pair of "Show Me Your Life List" bumper stickers, perfect for the front and back bumpers of any avid birder's car. Or you could give one to a friend.

Show your birding pride on the bumper of your ride.

Photo details: This is a pronghorn antelope photographed last June in Montana.

I will pick a winner on Friday, September 4, 2009, at 12 noon. Good luck and good birding!


  1. Careful, that didn't work for Dick Cheney's hunting partner.

  2. Oh! SNAP! A good one right off the bat! Thanks Erik!

  3. "And if I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, then everyone would be in love with me!"

  4. Too bad for that pronghorn-the hunter that took that picture was dyslexic!

  5. "Unfortunately for Peter the Pronghorn, he neglected to read the fine print of the 'No Hunting' sign which clearly says 'between dusk and dawn.' Peter is no longer with us.

  6. Now that's what I'd call "Deer Prudence."

    sorry I cannot resist, though I remove myself from prize contention...

  7. He lost his head and finally asked for directions to the no hunting zone.

  8. Can't help myself...

    The headhunters from deep in the rainforest were sorely disappointed when they saw this photo in the Montana Visitors Guide and started looking for alternate vacation plans.

  9. Read it and weep boys, this rump roast lives to run another day !

  10. But they say the grass is greener on the other side.

  11. If you can read this, you're too close!

  12. Fine Print: Exception: Any game standing behind this sign is fair game. No one likes a tease.
