Friday, June 5, 2009

My Newest Giant Friend

If you ever find yourself lost on the prairie, there's one giant clue to tell you that you're in Jamestown, North Dakota (aka Buffalo City): It's the World's Largest Buffalo and it lives at the National Buffalo Museum, right off I-94.

No it's not real. If it were, this fine city would never want for fresh fertilizer. And I (standing as I am in the photo above) would have been pulverized into a fine powder.


  1. Have you ever been to the Paul Bunyan statue in Maine?

  2. I share your interest in the giants. And this one is a beaut!

  3. Yes, Eric, it is scary.

    Thanks, NC! I saw another one today!

    Yes, Ric, all three of them. Liam is on cloud 9!

  4. I would bring my latter next time so I am able to climb on top!

  5. Great website, continue the Excellent work!
