Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Out There with the Birds

When we get a life bird on one of my field trip, I will force you (nicely) to do The Life Bird Wiggle.

I'll be attending, trip leading, speaking and performing at a couple of upcoming birding events here in the greater Ohio/West Virginia region.

The first is the North Coast Nature Festival held in Rocky River, Ohio, near Cleveland starting on Friday, April 24 through Sunday, April 26, 2009. I'm giving a Friday night talk, twice (The Perils & Pitfalls of Birding at 7 and 9 pm), a Saturday afternoon talk (No Child Left Inside: Birds as a Doorway to Nature), and morning bird walks on Saturday and Sunday.

The second event is one of my annual favorites: The New River Birding & Nature Festival held near the New River Gorge near Fayetteville, West Virginia. If you want to see 25 or more species of eastern wood warbler, The New River Birding & Nature Festival is THE event for you. It's set in the gorgeous Appalachian Mountains of south-central West Virginia and the festival atmosphere is friendly and laid-back.

We see male American redstarts on nearly every field trip at the New River Birding & Nature Festival in WV.

I'll be leading field trips at the New River fest from Wednesday, April 28 through Saturday, May 2. And on Saturday night the festival will end with a special performance by The Swinging Orangutangs at Opossum Creek Retreat.

I'm hoping I'll see you out there with the birds at one of these two fine birding events or at another one, farther on down the road. Until then....


  1. Expect big crowds at the Rocky River Nature Center. Their regular programs and hikes are normally well attended. Throw in the variables of the festival and celebrity birders and the crowds are even bigger. I think I'll see the late show on Friday and one of the field trips.

    A quick off topic comment. Last year at Lake Erie Wing Watch, BOTB signed a copy of his Young Birders book for me that I had dedicated to the elementary school library where my mom is the librarian. In the last 12 months the book has been checked out more than 25 times making it one of the most popular books for the target age group. WTG

  2. Thanks Erik! My son Liam always reports to me when the YBG is signed out at his school.

    He told me "Dad: People go CRAZY for that book at my school!" which makes me smile.

  3. Now I'm all giddy. We get to hear the SO's?!?!?
