Thursday, April 30, 2009

New River Postings (or not)

Worm-eating warbler, singing between episodes of eating worms.

Gentle readers of Bill of the Birds. I am back at the New River Birding Festival, which this year has seen an infestation of bird /nature bloggers like you would NOT BELIEVE! Anywho, this makes it nigh on impossible to get any posting done for several reasons:

1. There is not enough bandwidth to go around, so the connection is gone by the time I am free in the late afternoon or late evening.

2. The birds call me forth to the glorious montane woods and I forget myself.

3. Warblers, baby!

I beg your forgiveness for my sporadic posting. Please bear with me and I will share some tales from this grand event and location.


  1. WARBLERS ! An absolute justification for not posting one word until you are back home and have been to the chiropractor for a neck adjustment but then, we will be looking for PICTURES. :>

  2. Yes! As Heron said, we'll be looking for PICTURES!

  3. A time to blog,
    A time to birdwatch,
    And a time for every purpose under heaven.

  4. Here's the tool I use on birding days to help me prioritize:

    1. Birds
    2. Birds
    3. More birds
    4. Beer - to celebrate all the good birds
    5. Food
    6. Birds
    7. Other stuff (family, blogs, etc)
    8. Sleep

  5. You are forgiven, my son. Now go and bird some more.

  6. Dude! How did you get a post up? Did you bogart all the bandwidth? I had to lurk in the parking lot of the Quality Inn, pirating from them.

    Awesome show on Saturday night. You guys RAWK!

    See you in two weeks,

    ~KatDoc, the sleepy one

  7. Sweetheart, I think the Flock has the festival more than covered. It's hard enough to get a decent bird photo, even when you're not trying to help 18 people get it in their binocs at the same time. In a steady rain. Relax and read everyone else's posts--that's what I'm going to do!

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