Monday, February 16, 2009

Then Came the Snow

This male bluebird has some scapular feathers that are always out of place. We call him "Shoulders."

After the ice storm on January 27, we had a series of snowstorms. Fortunately the cold temperatures meant the snow was light and drifty. A wet and weighty snow would have meant much more damage to trees and more downed powerlines. As it was, the ice had already knocked out our power—we'd be out a total of three days—and canceled a week's worth of school for the kids.

Here are a few more images from the snowy aftermath of the ice storm.
Everyone's home was covered in ice and snow.

Even the clip art bird on our Birding Area sign looked cold.

Fluffed up against the cold wind, a female bluebird stares me down. The feeders needed a refill.

When horrible weather sets in, we let our guard down and permit even the hoggish European starlings to get a meal.


  1. Nice pictures of the birds Bill, I am a nature lover myself and just starting my own blog and hope to write my own experiences in the birdwatching subsject. Keep up the good work.

  2. Love the photos Bill!

    We are to get a snowstorm on Thursday.

  3. Now that I have a new SLR camera and a couple of birdfeeders right outside my window, I can truly appreciate the magnificent photos that you (and Julie) post on your blogs. It is no easy task to take even a passable photo of a bird, and yours are amazing.

  4. Both you and Julie have treated us with beautiful ice and snow - very much appreciated here in Charlotte :o)

    I hope the Wrens and Bluebirds fare well this winter but if they stick with y'all, it's first class all the way.
