Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of Year Eye Candy

Here are a few of my favorite bird pix from the first half of 2008.

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, prosperous, peaceful new year.

Diademed tanager from Brazil—maybe my fave bird I got to photograph during 2008.

Chukar in Utah—my only North American lifer in 2008.

Atlantic puffin, Hog Island, Maine in June.

Male blue dacnis, Brazil in July.

Male Baltimore oriole, South Padre Island, Texas in April.

Male Cape May warbler, South Padre Island, Texas, April.

Sky full of snow geese, Kearney, Nebraska in March.

Montezuma oropendula, Guatemala, March.

Tricolored heron, Guatemala, March.

Ocellated turkey, Tikal, Guatemala, March.

Collared aracari, Tikal, Guatemala, March.

Blue-naped chlorophonia, Brazil, July

Frilled coquette, Brazil, July.


  1. Great photos, Bill. Lovin' that Frilled Coquette...

  2. Good stuff Bill. Wishing you and your family a splendid new year!

  3. What lovely photos. Can't wait for more in 09! Happy New Year!!

  4. What a great New Year's present. Can't wait to see what 2009 has in store.

    Happy New Year and best wishes to you and all the family.

  5. These are delicious eye candy. Really astounding to see where you've been this year, and what you've brought back in terms of photos. You are one lucky man.

  6. Gorgeous as usual. Happy New Year!

  7. Wow, the blue on that tanager is incredible! I really like the Tricolored Heron, too-the sunset on the water is just beautiful!

    Hope you and your family have a great 2009!

  8. Wonderful photos, Bill. I really love the photo of the male blue dacnis - wow!
    Happy New Year to you, Julie, Phoebe, Liam and Bacon!!!

  9. Counting your blessings, a good thing to do on the New Year. I am, too. Smooch! These are stunning, just amazing. All those in a year, and so much more.

  10. The snow geese must have been fantastic--the sky covered with such a large flock!

  11. All eye candy but I love that night heron...

    Bravo! Great year! Wishing you the same in 2009.


  12. Most beautiful eye candy !
    Stunning birds and photos.
    Happy New year,

  13. What great photos! thanks for sharing your fav photos of the year!

  14. Not wanting to slight any of those wonderful photos, but the Tricolored from Guatemala is one of the most beautiful bird shots I've ever seen.

    Happiest of New Years to you and yours.
