Saturday, October 11, 2008

Big Sit 2008. Post #1

And so another Big Sit starts.

I am up in the tower alone at midnight. It's a lovely night. I have one hour of sleep under my belt. May sleep more up here—it's not cold, about 55 degrees F with a light breeze from the southeast. That wind might hold up a few southbound migrants. Hope so.

I've heard two flight call notes of sparrows—probably chippies, but not since the starting bell rang. Only sounds right now are katydids, crickets, and two distant beagles—none of which are countable species.

The moon is about 3/4 full and casts enough light to see by. Now tuning my ears skyward and hoping for thrushes, owls, and maybe a flyby woodcock.

Good luck to all Big Sitters all around the world, wherever you may be!


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