Thursday, September 25, 2008

Phoebe & The Young Birder's Guide

Phoebe with her copy of the Young Birder's Guide at the New River Birding Festival.

The thing I'm most proud of in my career as a bird content guy is the Young Birder's Guide which I wrote with the help of my daughter Phoebe's elementary school class. The book has gotten quite a bit of notice from the media and seems to be doing a good job connecting with its target audience (8- to 12-year-olds). Working with Phoebe and her schoolmates was the best.

Phoebs and I recently were interviewed by Mark Lynch, host of the excellent radio show Inquiry on public radio station WICN-FM in Boston. The interview is now available on WICN's website. To give us a listen, go here.

Clearly, during the interview, I talk way too much and Phoebe—not enough. Phoebster, next time I promise to give you more airtime, babe.

The "Inquiry" page on the WICN website.

Share the joy of birds with a young person with the YBG.

If you live anywhere near western Maryland, south-central Pennsylvania, or eastern West Virginia, and are looking for something birdy to do this weekend, come watch birds with us at The Berkeley Springs Fall Birding Festival. This is the first year of what is planned to be an annual event. I am leading a bird walk for kids on Saturday morning and giving my "Perils & Pitfalls of Birding" talk on Saturday night.

Hope to see you there (or somewhere) soon!


  1. Bill, I've wondered about this since seeing your first posts about this book, but just haven't taken the time to ask.

    We live in the Gulf Coast region of Texas (Houston vicinity). Would there be enough in The Young Birder's Guide to interest and be relevant to kids this far from the east coast?

    I'm trying to get my kids out of the house more and interested in nature and wildlife, and this does sound like a great opportunity and tool to help get them excited about birds.

  2. Kyle, I know you posed your question to Bill, but let me give you an answer from a third party. Absolutely! The Young Birder's Guide covers the vast majority of the birds that your kids are going to see in the Houston area, and it's a fabulous resource for getting young people involved with nature. And you'll probably enjoy the book yourself -- it focuses on all the reasons why birds are exciting, fun, beautiful, important, and totally cool.

  3. Kyle;
    What KK said! You might also want to tap into the events Houston Audubon does for kids:
    For a young birder, nothing beats getting out in the field with other birders of all ages.

    Thanks, amigo.

  4. Kenn: You've sold me! I'm putting in an order this very afternoon!

    By the way, I really enjoyed and appreciated your recent BWD column on Galveston and Bolivar! Even commented on it in a post earlier this week. I'm anxious to see how the various protected habitats fared during the big blow we got down here two weeks ago. Won't be able to get down there to see anything for weeks yet, tho.

    Bill: Thanks. I've actually thought several times about getting involved with the local Audubon chapter (for me), but with such limited time I've just never taken the leap. Hadn't even thought to check their schedule for kid-friendly events!

  5. Bill, I so enjoyed this interview. I wanted to order your guide for myself a while back and didn't - it's on my list to order tomorrow :o) Perfectly suited for me.

    And Phoebe, it was great to hear you! The bird I never tire of watching: Great Blue Heron. Boring action but great beauty. That one must be on your list, too? :o)

  6. Bill, I enjoyed your interview with Phoebe on the Birding Life podcast. What a great experience for her and her class. This would make a great gift for my younger cousins.
