Saturday, September 13, 2008

On BirdWatch Radio

Steve Moore is a Georgia birder and veteran of years on the radio. He's also the host of a Web-based podcast called Birdwatch Radio that he's been producing for the past year. He's had a wide range of interesting guests including several bird book authors, as well as reports from a birding business trade show and from one of North America's largest birding festivals.

I was pleased to be a guest on Birdwatch Radio recently. Like any good show host, Steve asked open-ended, interesting questions. Basically, he got me started on a topic and let me ramble (which I have been known to do).

If you're interested in knowing more about how my family started Bird Watcher's Digest, and the inside scoop on other bird stuff, check out Birdwatch Radio's new episode. While you're there, lend an ear to Steve's other episodes, all of which are good.

My thanks to Steve for inviting me to be a guest on Birdwatch Radio.


  1. What a great interview! Although I knew most of the facts, I really enjoyed hearing you tell the whole story of BWD and how it came to be.

    I especially liked hearing how you and Julie met.

    Congrats again to you and your family! Keep up the good work.


  2. Great interview, Bill. I wish the kids in my neighborhood would watch birds (instead of hurling aerosol cans into fires and knocking over mailboxes with baseball bats :-( )

    Haven't been to Mt.Auburn recently but was able to drag the wife to a bird walk with Wayne Petersen in the Hockomock Swamp (IBA) last Saturday! Saw a great yellow-throated vireo singing a nice song.

    Enjoy the cooler days...
