Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Blue Dacnis

Male blue dachnis displaying to a nearby female in Itatiaia National Park.

I have a confession to make. I've been in Brazil since July 9. I got home early on Wednesday morning after an all-night plane ride.

Brazil was incredible. I saw more than 225 species—most of which were life birds. There are many images and tales to share. Right now I am in re-entry mode. As soon as things settle down a bit, we'll head way down south for some Brazilian birds (and I DID see about a brazillion birds down there!).


  1. Oh. My. Just LOOK at him! Looking forward to sitting here with my mouth agape at the birds of Brazil! :c)

  2. Brazil? You sneak!
    You go to some cool(?) places.

  3. Unbelievable! Great photograph of a bird I'll likely never see. I still have images of you butt-sliding in the snow and here you are in Brazil. (Actually, you are probably somewhere else by now.)

  4. My Brazil trip this summer was cancelled...I'll be stoked to read about your adventures.

  5. Ya's pictures like yours that make people wanna travel the world to look at birds. Me? Most likely I'll stick around closer...but then, I've only got a hundred or two birds under my belt, so I've got a long time to be kicking around the states.

    Beautiful bird, awesome photograph, lovely story; I'm looking forward to more!
