Thursday, June 26, 2008

Snowbird Creatures

We are up at almost 8,000 feet in the Wasatch Mountains above Salt Lake City, Utah, at the American Birding Association conference. There are creatures strange and wonderful here.

Steller's jays swipe food bits from the hotel balconies.

Cassin's finches show their long-nosed profiles fluttering near the bird feeders at the Snowbird Resort.

Pine siskins are everywhere!

The name yellow-bellied marmot sounds like a scathing put-down but these chunky mammals care not a whit.


  1. Have fun! Be careful climbing down that mountain! ;c)

  2. 8,000 feet! I hope you aren't trying to do too much.

    I love that marmot shot.

  3. Hope you're enjoying Snowbird!

    We South Dakotans were delighted to see the SD Birding article by Chip Gross in the July/Aug. edition of BWD that arrived today. Thanks. :o)
    I am driving from Black Hills to Sioux Falls tomorrow, hope to see some of those guys in the photos along the way, sure makes I-90 more interesting, even at 70mph.
    Caroline in the Black Hills

  4. Fabulous place and so scenic. 65 degrees. I love the spa. I wonder how many life birds I'd see...

  5. Ooh, Steller's Jay is so cool! My brother sees them in northern California too.
